decision support database
decision support database

A database from which data is extracted and analysed
statistically (but not modified) in order to inform business
or other decisions. This is in contrast to an {operational
database} which is being continuously updated.

For example, a decision support database might provide data to
determine the average salary of different types of workers,
whereas an operational database containing the same data would
be used to calculate pay check amounts.

Often, decision support data is extracted from operation

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na vytvorenie tejto webstránky bol pužitý dictd server s dátami z a z iných voľne dostupných dictd databáz. Ak máte klienta na dictd protokol (napríklad kdict), použite zdroj a port 2628.

online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4