
/mar'k*-troyd/ (Or "marketing slime", "marketeer", "marketing
droid", "marketdroid") A member of a company's marketing
department, especially one who promises users that the next
version of a product will have features that are not actually
scheduled for inclusion, are extremely difficult to implement,
and/or are in violation of the laws of physics; and/or one who
describes existing features (and misfeatures) in ebullient,
buzzword-laden adspeak. Derogatory.

[Jargon File]

/mar'k@·troyd/, n.

alt.: marketing slime, marketeer, mar­ket­ing droid, marketdroid. A member
of a company's marketing department, esp. one who promises users that the
next version of a product will have features that are not actually
scheduled for inclusion, are extremely difficult to implement, and/or are
in violation of the laws of physics; and/or one who describes existing
features (and misfeatures) in ebullient, buzzword-laden adspeak.
Derogatory. Compare droid.
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