- pozornosť
attention,věnovat pozornost Pavel Machek; Giza
Attention \At*ten"tion\, n. [L. attentio: cf. F. attention.]
1. The act or state of attending or heeding; the application
of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or
thought; notice; exclusive or special consideration;
earnest consideration, thought, or regard; obedient or
affectionate heed; the supposed power or faculty of
[1913 Webster]

They say the tongues of dying men
Enforce attention like deep harmony. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Attention is consciousness and something more. It is
consciousness voluntarily applied, under its law of
limitations, to some determinate object; it is
consciousness concentrated. --Sir W. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]

2. An act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort and
pleasure of others; as, attentions paid to a stranger.
[1913 Webster]

To pay attention to, To pay one's attentions to, to be
courteous or attentive to; to wait upon as a lover; to
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Care; heed; study; consideration; application;
advertence; respect; regard.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the process whereby a person concentrates on some features
of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
[syn: attention, attending] [ant: inattention]
2: the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone
or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car
needs constant attention" [syn: care, attention, aid,
3: a general interest that leads people to want to know more;
"She was the center of attention"
4: a courteous act indicating affection; "she tried to win his
heart with her many attentions"
5: the faculty or power of mental concentration; "keeping track
of all the details requires your complete attention"
6: a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet
together; assumed by military personnel during drill or
review; "the troops stood at attention"
podobné slovodefinícia
- pozornosť
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call attention
- upozorniť
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draw attention
- upozorniť
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attentional,týkající se pozornosti Zdeněk Brož
attentions,upozornění pl. Zdeněk Brožattentions,výstrahy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
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call attention,upozornit v: Zdeněk Brož
call attention to
call attention to,upozornit na Pavel Cvrček
center of attention
center of attention, n:
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draw attention to,upozornit na n: Zdeněk Broždraw attention to,zviditelnit v: Zdeněk Brož
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in the centre of attention
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inattention,nedbalost n: Zdeněk Brožinattention,nepozornost n: Zdeněk Brož
pay attention
pay attention,dávejte pozor Zdeněk Brož
pay attention to
pay attention to,dbát na v: (gen) pay attention to,na (acc)
paying attention
paying attention, n:
turn attention to
turn attention to,obracet pozornost k web
with attention
with attention, adv:
for your attention
For Your Attention,FYA[zkr.] Tolda
attentional \attentional\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to attention.
[WordNet 1.5] attention-getting
attention-getting \attention-getting\ attention-grabbing
1. seizing the attention attention-getting demonstration

Syn: eye-catching.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. 1 likely to attract interest.

Syn: catchy.
[WordNet 1.5]
attention-getting \attention-getting\ attention-grabbing
1. seizing the attention attention-getting demonstration

Syn: eye-catching.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. 1 likely to attract interest.

Syn: catchy.
[WordNet 1.5]
Inattention \In`at*ten"tion\, n. [Pref. in- not + attention: cf.
F. inattention.]
Lack of attention, or failure to pay attention; disregard;
heedlessness; neglect.
[1913 Webster]

Novel lays attract our ravished ears;
But old, the mind inattention hears. --Pope.

Syn: Inadvertence; heedlessness; negligence; carelessness;
disregard; remissness; thoughtlessness; neglect.

Usage: Inattention, Inadvertence. We miss seeing a thing
through inadvertence when do not happen to look at it;
through inattention when we give no heed to it, though
directly before us. The latter is therefore the worse.
Inadvertence may be an involuntary accident;
inattention is culpable neglect. A versatile mind is
often inadvertent; a careless or stupid one is
[1913 Webster]
Nonattention \Non`at*ten"tion\, n.
[1913 Webster]
To pay attention to
Attention \At*ten"tion\, n. [L. attentio: cf. F. attention.]
1. The act or state of attending or heeding; the application
of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or
thought; notice; exclusive or special consideration;
earnest consideration, thought, or regard; obedient or
affectionate heed; the supposed power or faculty of
[1913 Webster]

They say the tongues of dying men
Enforce attention like deep harmony. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Attention is consciousness and something more. It is
consciousness voluntarily applied, under its law of
limitations, to some determinate object; it is
consciousness concentrated. --Sir W. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]

2. An act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort and
pleasure of others; as, attentions paid to a stranger.
[1913 Webster]

To pay attention to, To pay one's attentions to, to be
courteous or attentive to; to wait upon as a lover; to
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Care; heed; study; consideration; application;
advertence; respect; regard.
[1913 Webster]