- pokladník
cashier,degradovat v: [voj.] Jiří Šmoldas
cashier,odmítnout v: Jiří Šmoldas
cashier,pokladní Zdeněk Brož
cashier,pokladník n: Jiří Šmoldas
cashier,propustit v: Jiří Šmoldas
Cashier \Cash*ier"\ (k[a^]sh*[=e]r"), n. [F. caissier, fr.
caisse. See Cash.]
One who has charge of money; a cash keeper; the officer who
has charge of the payments and receipts (moneys, checks,
notes), of a bank or a mercantile company.
[1913 Webster]
Cashier \Cash*ier"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cashiered; p. pr. &
vb. n. Cashiering.] [Earlier cash, fr. F. casser to break,
annul, cashier, fr. L. cassare, equiv. to cassum reddere, to
annul; cf. G. cassiren. Cf. Quash to annul, Cass.]
1. To dismiss or discard; to discharge; to dismiss with
ignominy from military service or from an office or place
of trust.
[1913 Webster]

They have cashiered several of their followers.
[1913 Webster]

He had insolence to cashier the captain of the lord
lieutenant's own body guard. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. To put away or reject; to disregard. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Connections formed for interest, and endeared
[1913 Webster]

By selfish views, [are] censured and cashiered.
[1913 Webster]

They absolutely cashier the literal express sense of
the words. --Sowth.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money [syn:
teller, cashier, bank clerk]
2: a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and
services (as in a shop or restaurant)
v 1: discard or do away with; "cashier the literal sense of this
2: discharge with dishonor, as in the army
CASHIER. An officer of a moneyed institution, who is entitled by virtue of
his office to take care of the cash or money of such institution.
2. The cashier of a bank is usually entrusted with all the funds of the
bank, its notes, bills, and other choses in action, to be used from time to
time for the ordinary and extraordinary exigencies of the bank. He usually
receives directly, or through subordinate officers, all moneys and notes of
the bank delivers up all discounted notes and other securities, when they
have been paid draws checks to withdraw the funds of the bank where they
have been deposited; and, as the executive officer of the bank, transacts
much of the business of the institution. In general, the bank is bound by
the acts of the cashier within the scope of his authority, expressed or
implied. 1 Pet. R. 46, 70Wheat. R. 300, 361 5 Wheat. R. 326; 3 Mason's R.
505; 1 Breese, R. 45; 1 Monr. Rep. 179. But the bank is not bound by a
declaration of the cashier, not within the scope of his authority; as when a
note is about to be discounted by the bank, he tells a person that he will
incur no risk nor responsibility by becoming an indorser upon such note. 6
Pet. R. 51; 8 Pet. R. 12.Vide 17 Mass. R. 1 Story on Ag. Sec. 114, 115; 3
Halst. R. 1; 12 Wheat. R. 183; 1 Watts & Serg. 161.

To CASHIER, punishment. To break; to deprive a military man of his office.
Example: every officer who shall be convicted, before a general court
martial, of leaving signed a false certificate relating to the absence of
either officer or private soldier, or relative to his daily pay, shall be,
cashiered. Articles of war, art. 14.

podobné slovodefinícia
- pokladník
cashier,degradovat v: [voj.] Jiří Šmoldascashier,odmítnout v: Jiří Šmoldascashier,pokladní Zdeněk Brožcashier,pokladník n: Jiří Šmoldascashier,propustit v: Jiří Šmoldas