slovo | definícia |
edit (mass) | edit
- editovať, redigovať, upraviť |
edit (encz) | edit,editovat v: Hynek Hanke |
edit (encz) | edit,redigovat v: luke |
edit (encz) | edit,sestavit v: Zdeněk Brož |
edit (encz) | edit,stříhat např. film v: luke |
edit (encz) | edit,upravit v: |
edit (encz) | edit,upravovat v: |
edit (encz) | edit,uspořádat v: Zdeněk Brož |
Edit (gcide) | Edit \Ed"it\ ([e^]d"[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Edited; p. pr.
& vb. n. Editing.] [F. ['e]diter, or L. editus, p. p. of
edere to give out, put forth, publish; e out + dare to give.
See Date a point of time.]
To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for
publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter
of, for publication; as, to edit a newspaper.
[1913 Webster]
Philosophical treatises which have never been edited.
[1913 Webster] |
edit (wn) | edit
v 1: prepare for publication or presentation by correcting,
revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics";
"she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the
most personal passages" [syn: edit, redact]
2: supervise the publication of; "The same family has been
editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
3: cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut
recording tape" [syn: edit, cut, edit out]
4: cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes" [syn:
edit, blue-pencil, delete] |
edit (foldoc) | edit
Use of some kind of editor program to modify a
document. Also used to refer to the modification itself,
e.g. "my last edit only made things worse".
To edit something usually implies that the changes will
persist for some time, usually by saving the edited document
to a file, though one might open an editor, create a new
document in memory, print it and exit without saving it to
Editing is normally done by a human but see, e.g., sed.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
accredit (mass) | accredit
- uznať, akreditovať |
credit (mass) | credit
- úver, kredit, príspevok, česť, uznanie |
discredit (mass) | discredit
- hanba |
edit (mass) | edit
- editovať, redigovať, upraviť |
edit out (mass) | edit out
- vynechať |
editable (mass) | editable
- upraviteľný |
edition (mass) | edition
- edícia, vydanie |
editions (mass) | editions
- vydanie |
editor (mass) | editor
- editor |
editorial (mass) | editorial
- redaktorský, úvodník |
expedite (mass) | expedite
- urýchliť |
expedition (mass) | expedition
- expedícia |
meditate (mass) | meditate
- premýšľať |
mediterranean (mass) | Mediterranean
- stredozemný |
akreditovať (msas) | akreditovať
- accredit |
editor (msas) | editor
- editor |
editovať (msas) | editovať
- edit |
kredit (msas) | kredit
- credit |
akreditovat (msasasci) | akreditovat
- accredit |
dedit (msasasci) | dedit
- inherit |
editor (msasasci) | editor
- editor |
editovat (msasasci) | editovat
- edit |
kredit (msasasci) | kredit
- credit |
riedit (msasasci) | riedit
- dilute |
roztriedit (msasasci) | roztriedit
- sort |
sliedit (msasasci) | sliedit
- pry |
sustredit (msasasci) | sustredit
- centre, concentrate, collect |
sustredit (sa) (msasasci) | sustredit (sa)
- focus |
triedit (msasasci) | triedit
- sort |
zdedit (msasasci) | zdedit
- inherit |
zriedit (msasasci) | zriedit
- thin, water down |
acceptance credit (encz) | acceptance credit,akceptační úvěr Zdeněk Brož |
accredit (encz) | accredit,akreditovat mikosoftaccredit,připisovat v: Zdeněk Brož |
accredit to (encz) | accredit to,připisovat v: Zdeněk Brož |
accreditation (encz) | accreditation,akreditace n: |
accredited (encz) | accredited,akreditován |
advice of credit (encz) | advice of credit,dobropis n: Zdeněk Brož |
banking of pollution credits (encz) | banking of pollution credits,uložení práv na znečišťování [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač |
be a credit to someone (encz) | be a credit to someone,dělat čest někomu [id.] rodině, rodičům ap. Pino |
business line of credit (encz) | business line of credit,podnikatelská úvěrová linka n: [ekon.] Ivan
Masár |