- králik, kožušina z králika, králičie mäso, loviť králikov
rabbit,králičí Zdeněk Brož
rabbit,králík n:
rabbit,krást v: [slang.] Michal Ambrož
rabbit,padavka n: [slang.] Michal Ambrož
Rabbit \Rab"bit\ (r[a^]b"b[i^]t), n. [OE. rabet, akin to OD.
robbe, robbeken.] (Zool.)
Any of the smaller species of the genus Lepus, especially the
common European species (Lepus cuniculus), which is often
kept as a pet, and has been introduced into many countries.
It is remarkably prolific, and has become a pest in some
parts of Australia and New Zealand.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common American rabbit (Lepus sylvatica) is
similar but smaller. See Cottontail, and {Jack
rabbit}, under 2d Jack. The larger species of Lepus
are commonly called hares. See Hare.
[1913 Webster]

Angora rabbit (Zool.), a variety of the domestic rabbit
having long, soft fur.

Rabbit burrow, a hole in the earth made by rabbits for
shelter and habitation.

Rabbit fish. (Zool.)
(a) The northern chimaera (Chimaera monstrosa).
(b) Any one of several species of plectognath fishes, as the
bur fish, and puffer. The term is also locally applied to
other fishes.

Rabbits' ears. (Bot.) See Cyclamen.

Rabbit warren, a piece of ground appropriated to the
breeding and preservation of rabbits. --Wright.

Rock rabbit.
(a) (Zool.) See Daman, and Klipdas.
(b) the pika.

Welsh rabbit, a dish of which the chief constituents are
melted cheese over toasted bread, flavored in various
ways, as with ale, beer, milk, or spices. The name is
popularly said to be a corruption of Welsh rare bit, but
it is probably merely a humorous designation; -- also
called Welsh rarebit.
[1913 Webster]
rabbit \rabbit\ v. i.
To hunt rabbits.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae
having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and
raised for pets or food [syn: rabbit, coney, cony]
2: the fur of a rabbit [syn: lapin, rabbit]
3: flesh of any of various rabbits or hares (wild or
domesticated) eaten as food [syn: rabbit, hare]
v 1: hunt rabbits
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- králik, kožušina z králika, králičie mäso, loviť králikov
bunny rabbit
bunny rabbit,králíček Pavel Machek
cottontail rabbit
cottontail rabbit, n:
jackrabbit,velký zajíc Zdeněk Brož
rabbit,králičí Zdeněk Brožrabbit,králík n: rabbit,krást v: [slang.] Michal Ambrožrabbit,padavka n: [slang.] Michal Ambrož
rabbit bandicoot
rabbit bandicoot,bandikut králíkovitý n: [zoo.] lat. Macrotis
lagotis Michal Ambrož
rabbit brush
rabbit brush,Chrysothamnus nauseosus n: [bot.] křovina Michal Ambrož
rabbit burrow
rabbit burrow,králičí nora n: Michal Ambrož
rabbit bush
rabbit bush,Chrysothamnus nauseosus n: [bot.] křovina Michal Ambrož
rabbit died
rabbit died,jsem těhotná [fráz.] [slang.] eufemismus, viz rabbit
test Michal Ambrož
rabbit ears
rabbit ears,králičí uši n: [bot.] rostlina se zelenými podlouhlými
stříbrně chlupatými listy (viz cyclamen) Michal Ambrožrabbit ears,televizní anténa se dvěma obvykle teleskopickými tykadly do
tvaru V n: [slang.] Michal Ambrožrabbit ears,uvozovky n: [slang.] web
rabbit fever
rabbit fever,tularémie n: [med.] onemocnění primárně postihující
zvířata, které však může být přeneseno i na člověka Michal Ambrožrabbit fever,zaječí nemoc n: [hovor.] viz tularemia Michal Ambrož
rabbit food
rabbit food,krmivo pro králíky n: Michal Ambrož
rabbit hole
rabbit hole,králičí nora n: nebo malý otvor VlK
rabbit hutch
rabbit hutch,králíkárna n: Libor Tomšík
rabbit on
rabbit on,deklamovat v: teatrálně přednášet Michal Ambrož
rabbit punch
rabbit punch,praštit jako králíka n: sekavý úder zezadu zakrk Michal
rabbit test
rabbit test,tehotenský test n: [slang.] říká se, že králík, kterému byla
vstříknuta moč těhotné ženy, umře. Když žena není těhotná, králík neumře
:) Michal Ambrož
rabbit warren
rabbit warren,králičí nory n: Michal Ambrož