- žalúdok
stomach,žaludek n: [med.]
Stomach \Stom"ach\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stomached; p. pr. &
vb. n. Stomaching.] [Cf. L. stomachari, v.t. & i., to be
angry or vexed at a thing.]
1. To resent; to remember with anger; to dislike. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The lion began to show his teeth, and to stomach the
affront. --L'Estrange.
[1913 Webster]

The Parliament sit in that body . . . to be his
counselors and dictators, though he stomach it.
[1913 Webster]

2. To bear without repugnance; to brook. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Stomach \Stom"ach\, n. [OE. stomak, F. estomac, L. stomachus,
fr. Gr. sto`machos stomach, throat, gullet, fr. sto`ma a
mouth, any outlet or entrance.]
1. (Anat.) An enlargement, or series of enlargements, in the
anterior part of the alimentary canal, in which food is
digested; any cavity in which digestion takes place in an
animal; a digestive cavity. See Digestion, and {Gastric
juice}, under Gastric.
[1913 Webster]

2. The desire for food caused by hunger; appetite; as, a good
stomach for roast beef. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence appetite in general; inclination; desire.
[1913 Webster]

He which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Violence of temper; anger; sullenness; resentment; willful
obstinacy; stubbornness. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Stern was his look, and full of stomach vain.
[1913 Webster]

This sort of crying proceeding from pride,
obstinacy, and stomach, the will, where the fault
lies, must be bent. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

5. Pride; haughtiness; arrogance. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

He was a man
Of an unbounded stomach. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Stomach pump (Med.), a small pump or syringe with a
flexible tube, for drawing liquids from the stomach, or
for injecting them into it.

Stomach tube (Med.), a long flexible tube for introduction
into the stomach.

Stomach worm (Zool.), the common roundworm ({Ascaris
lumbricoides}) found in the human intestine, and rarely in
the stomach.
[1913 Webster]
Stomach \Stom"ach\, v. i.
To be angry. [Obs.] --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary
canal; the principal organ of digestion [syn: stomach,
tummy, tum, breadbasket]
2: the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and
the pelvis [syn: abdomen, venter, stomach, belly]
3: an inclination or liking for things involving conflict or
difficulty or unpleasantness; "he had no stomach for a fight"
4: an appetite for food; "exercise gave him a good stomach for
v 1: bear to eat; "He cannot stomach raw fish"
2: put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear
his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a
lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the
heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
[syn: digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear,
stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer,
put up]
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- žalúdok
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