accounts,účty n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
accounts payable
accounts payable
- záväzky
accounts receivable
accounts receivable
- pohľadávky
capital accounts
capital accounts
- kapitálové účty
chart of accounts
chart of accounts
- účtovná osnova
closing accounts
closing accounts
- uzáviekové účty, záviekové účty
financial accounts
financial accounts
- finančné účty
offbalance sheet accounts
off-balance sheet accounts
- podsúvahové účty
accounts payable
accounts payable,kreditní účty Zdeněk Brožaccounts payable,účty dluhů Zdeněk Brožaccounts payable,účty dodavatelů Zdeněk Brožaccounts payable,účty věřitelů Zdeněk Brožaccounts payable,věřitelské účty Zdeněk Brožaccounts payable,závazky Zdeněk Brož
accounts receivable
accounts receivable,nezaplacené účty Mgr. Dita Gálováaccounts receivable,pohledávky Mgr. Dita Gálováaccounts receivable,účty dlužníků Mgr. Dita Gálováaccounts receivable,účty odběratelů Zdeněk Brož
bank accounts
bank accounts,účty v bankách [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár
capital accounts
capital accounts,kapitálové účty [ekon.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
fund-related accounts
Fund-related accounts,
national accounts
national accounts,
operations division for sdrs and administered accounts
Operations Division for SDRs and Administered Accounts,
other assets - temporary accounts of assets
other assets - temporary accounts of assets,ostatní aktiva - přechodné
účty aktivní [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár
other liabilities - temporary accounts of liabilities
other liabilities - temporary accounts of liabilities,ostatní pasiva -
přechodné účty pasiv [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár
paired accounts
paired accounts,
settlement of accounts
settlement of accounts,
special contingent accounts
Special Contingent Accounts,
temporary accounts of assets
temporary accounts of assets,přechodné účty
aktivní [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár
temporary accounts of liabilities
temporary accounts of liabilities,přechodné účty
pasivní [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár
Flemish accounts
Flemish \Flem"ish\, a.
Pertaining to Flanders, or the Flemings. -- n. The language
or dialect spoken by the Flemings; also, collectively, the
people of Flanders.
[1913 Webster]

Flemish accounts (Naut.), short or deficient accounts.
[Humorous] --Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Flemish beauty (Bot.), a well known pear. It is one of few
kinds which have a red color on one side.

Flemish bond. (Arch.) See Bond, n., 8.

Flemish brick, a hard yellow paving brick.

Flemish coil, a flat coil of rope with the end in the
center and the turns lying against, without riding over,
each other.

Flemish eye (Naut.), an eye formed at the end of a rope by
dividing the strands and lying them over each other.

Flemish horse (Naut.), an additional footrope at the end of
a yard.
[1913 Webster]
accounts payable
accounts payable
n 1: a debtor's accounts of money he owes; normally arise from
the purchase of products or services
accounts receivable
accounts receivable
n 1: a creditor's accounts of money owed to him; normally arise
from the sale of products or services