slovo | definícia |
from (mass) | from
- od, z |
from (encz) | from,od [obec.] |
from (encz) | from,ode [obec.] |
from (encz) | from,se [obec.] |
from (encz) | from,z [obec.] |
from (encz) | from,ze [obec.] |
From (gcide) | From \From\ (fr[o^]m), prep. [AS. fram, from; akin to OS. fram
out, OHG. & Icel. fram forward, Sw. fram, Dan. frem, Goth.
fram from, prob. akin to E. forth. ?202. Cf. Fro,
Out of the neighborhood of; lessening or losing proximity to;
leaving behind; by reason of; out of; by aid of; -- used
whenever departure, setting out, commencement of action,
being, state, occurrence, etc., or procedure, emanation,
absence, separation, etc., are to be expressed. It is
construed with, and indicates, the point of space or time at
which the action, state, etc., are regarded as setting out or
beginning; also, less frequently, the source, the cause, the
occasion, out of which anything proceeds; -- the antithesis
and correlative of to; as, it, is one hundred miles from
Boston to Springfield; he took his sword from his side; light
proceeds from the sun; separate the coarse wool from the
fine; men have all sprung from Adam, and often go from good
to bad, and from bad to worse; the merit of an action depends
on the principle from which it proceeds; men judge of facts
from personal knowledge, or from testimony.
[1913 Webster]
Experience from the time past to the time present.
[1913 Webster]
The song began from Jove. --Drpden.
[1913 Webster]
From high M[ae]onia's rocky shores I came. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
If the wind blow any way from shore. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Note: From sometimes denotes away from, remote from,
inconsistent with. "Anything so overdone is from the
purpose of playing." --Shak. From, when joined with
another preposition or an adverb, gives an opportunity
for abbreviating the sentence. "There followed him
great multitudes of people . . . from [the land] beyond
Jordan." --Math. iv. 25. In certain constructions, as
from forth, from out, etc., the ordinary and more
obvious arrangment is inverted, the sense being more
distinctly forth from, out from -- from being virtually
the governing preposition, and the word the adverb. See
From off, under Off, adv., and From afar, under
Afar, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Sudden partings such as press
The life from out young hearts. --Byron.
Fromward |
from (vera) | FROM
Factory Read Only Memory (ROM)
| podobné slovo | definícia |
away from (mass) | away from
- od |
depart from (mass) | depart from
- odísť |
from abroad (mass) | from abroad
- zahraničný |
from behind (mass) | from behind
- zozadu |
from head to toe (mass) | from head to toe
- od hlavy po päty |
from here (mass) | from here
- odteraz |
from now on (mass) | from now on
- naďalej |
from the back (mass) | from the back
- zozadu |
from the inside (mass) | from the inside
- zvnútra |
from the right (mass) | from the right
- správa |
from there (mass) | from there
- z tohto miesta |
not far from (mass) | not far from
- neďaleko |
take from (mass) | take from
- odobrať |
where from (mass) | where from
- odkiaľ |
absolve from (encz) | absolve from,osvobodit od v: absolve from,zprostit čeho v: |
abstractedly from (encz) | abstractedly from,nezávisle na luke |
accounting profit/loss from operating activities before taxation (encz) | accounting profit/loss from operating activities before taxation,účetní
zisk nebo ztráta z běžné činnosti před zdaněním [ekon.] přehled o
peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan Masár |
accrue from (encz) | accrue from,vzejít z |
accumulated losses from previous years (encz) | accumulated losses from previous years,neuhrazená ztráta minulých
let [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |
apart from (encz) | apart from,kromě apart from,mimo apart from,nehledě na |
as from now (encz) | as from now,od této chvíle [fráz.] Pino |
aside from (encz) | aside from,až na Pinoaside from,kromě Pinoaside from,stranou od čeho |
away from (encz) | away from,od away from,ode |
bolt from the blue (encz) | bolt from the blue,blesk z čistého nebe [fráz.] Pino |
borrow sth from sb (encz) | borrow sth from sb,(vy)půjčit si něco od někoho Mgr. Dita Gálováborrow sth from sb,vypůjčit si něco od někoho Mgr. Dita Gálová |
cash flows from financing activities (encz) | cash flows from financing activities,peněžní toky z finančních
činností [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
Masár |
cash flows from investing activities (encz) | cash flows from investing activities,peněžní toky z investiční
činnosti [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
Masár |
cash flows from operating activities (encz) | cash flows from operating activities,peněžní toky z hlavní výdělečné
činnosti (provozní činnost) [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár |
change in balance of receivables from running activities (encz) | change in balance of receivables from running activities, temporary
assets accounts,změna stavu pohledávek z provozní činnosti, přechodných
účtů aktiv [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
Masár |
change in balance of short-term payables from running activities (encz) | change in balance of short-term payables from running activities,
temporary liability accounts,změna stavu krátkodobých závazků z provozní
činnosti, přechodných účtů pasiv [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash
flow statement Ivan Masár |
come from (encz) | come from,pocházet z Pavel Cvrček |
create from raw material (encz) | create from raw material, v: |
create from raw stuff (encz) | create from raw stuff, v: |
creating from raw materials (encz) | creating from raw materials, n: |
cut from the same cloth (encz) | cut from the same cloth,velmi podobný Zdeněk Brož |
damp from the rain (encz) | damp from the rain,vlhké od deště [fráz.] např. papíry, kniha Pino |
date from (encz) | date from,datovat se do v: web |
date from (century) (encz) | date from (century),pocházet z (století) web |
demand st from sb (encz) | demand st from sb,žádat co od koho Mgr. Dita Gálovádemand st from sb,žádat co po kom Mgr. Dita Gálová |
depart from (encz) | depart from,odejít Zdeněk Brož |
diferences from revaluation in tranformation of companies (encz) | diferences from revaluation in tranformation of companies,oceňovací
rozdíly z přecenění při přeměnách [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan
Masár |
diferences from revaluation of assets and liabilities (encz) | diferences from revaluation of assets and liabilities,oceňovací rozdíly
z přecenění majetku a závazků [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |
distinguish from st (encz) | distinguish from st,rozeznat od čeho Mgr. Dita Gálovádistinguish from st,rozlišit Mgr. Dita Gálová |