- Juraj, Juraj
George,George n: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Jihoafrická republika, okres
v USA, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
George,Jiří [jmén.] web
George,Georgen: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Jihoafrická republika, okres v
USA, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
George \George\ (j[^o]rj), prop. n. [F. George, or Georges, a
proper name, fr. Gr. gewrgo`s husbandman, laborer; ge`a, gh^,
the earth + 'e`rgein to work; akin to E. work. See Work.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A figure of St. George (the patron saint of England) on
horseback, appended to the collar of the Order of the
Garter. See Garter.
[1913 Webster]

2. A kind of brown loaf. [Obs.] --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any coin having an image of Saint George. [Brit. slang]
n 1: Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the
legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a
dragon and saved a princess (?-303) [syn: George, {Saint
George}, St. George]
2: King of Great Britain and Ireland and emperor of India from
1936 to 1947; he succeeded Edward VIII (1895-1952) [syn:
George, George VI]
3: King of Great Britain and Ireland and emperor of India from
1910 to 1936; gave up his German title in 1917 during World
War I (1865-1936) [syn: George, George V]
4: King of Great Britain and Ireland and Hanover from 1820 to
1830; his attempt to divorce his estranged wife undermined
the prestige of the Crown (1762-1830) [syn: George, {George
5: King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760 to 1820; the
American colonies were lost during his reign; he became
insane in 1811 and his son (later George IV) acted as regent
until 1820 (1738-1820) [syn: George, George III]
6: King of Great Britain and Elector of Hanover from 1727 to
1760 (1683-1760) [syn: George, George II]
7: Elector of Hanover and the first Hanoverian King of Great
Britain and Ireland from 1714 to 1727 (1660-1727) [syn:
George, George I]

One of the earliest programming languages,
developed by Charles Hamblin in 1957. GEORGE was a {stack
oriented language}, using reverse Polish notation. It was
implemented on the English Electric DEUCE.

["GEORGE: A Semi-Translation Programming Scheme for the DEUCE,
Programming and Operations Manual", C. L. Hamblin, U New S
Wales, 1958].

["Computer Languages", C.L. Hamblin, Aust J Sci 20(5):135-139,
Dec 1957 and Aust Comp J 17(4):195-198, Nov 1985]

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