- Hotentot, hotentotčina
Hottentot,Hotentot Zdeněk Brož
Hottentot,hotentotština Zdeněk Brož
Hottentot \Hot"ten*tot\, n. [D. Hottentot; -- so called from hot
and tot, two syllables of frequent occurrence in their
language. --Wedgwood.]
1. (Ethnol.) One of a degraded
[1913 Webster]

2. The language of the Hottentots, which is remarkable for
its clicking sounds; the Khoisan language.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Hottentot cherry (Bot.), a South African plant of the genus
Cassine (Cassine maurocenia), having handsome foliage,
with generally inconspicuous white or green flowers.

Hottentot's bread. (Bot.) See Elephant's foot
(a), under Elephant.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of the Khoisan languages spoken by the pastoral people
of Namibia and South Africa [syn: Khoikhoin, Khoikhoi,
podobné slovodefinícia
hottentot fig
Hottentot fig,
Hottentot \Hot"ten*tot\, n. [D. Hottentot; -- so called from hot
and tot, two syllables of frequent occurrence in their
language. --Wedgwood.]
1. (Ethnol.) One of a degraded
[1913 Webster]

2. The language of the Hottentots, which is remarkable for
its clicking sounds; the Khoisan language.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Hottentot cherry (Bot.), a South African plant of the genus
Cassine (Cassine maurocenia), having handsome foliage,
with generally inconspicuous white or green flowers.

Hottentot's bread. (Bot.) See Elephant's foot
(a), under Elephant.
[1913 Webster]
Hottentot cherry
Hottentot \Hot"ten*tot\, n. [D. Hottentot; -- so called from hot
and tot, two syllables of frequent occurrence in their
language. --Wedgwood.]
1. (Ethnol.) One of a degraded
[1913 Webster]

2. The language of the Hottentots, which is remarkable for
its clicking sounds; the Khoisan language.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Hottentot cherry (Bot.), a South African plant of the genus
Cassine (Cassine maurocenia), having handsome foliage,
with generally inconspicuous white or green flowers.

Hottentot's bread. (Bot.) See Elephant's foot
(a), under Elephant.
[1913 Webster]
Hottentotism \Hot"ten*tot*ism\, n.
A term employed to describe one of the varieties of
stammering. --Tylor.
[1913 Webster]