- nedeľa
Sunday,nedělní adj: Zdeněk Brož
Sunday,Sunday n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Sunday,sváteční adj: Zdeněk Brož
Sunday,Sundayn: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Sunday \Sun"day\, n. [AS. sunnandaeg; sunne, gen. sunnan, the
sun + daeg day; akin to D. zondag, G. sonntag; -- so called
because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or to
its worship. See Sun, and Day.]
The first day of the week, -- consecrated among Christians to
rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the
Christian Sabbath; the Lord's Day.
[1913 Webster]

Advent Sunday, Low Sunday, Passion Sunday, etc. See
under Advent, Low, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Sabbath.
[1913 Webster]
Sunday \Sun"day\, a.
Belonging to the Christian Sabbath.
[1913 Webster]

Sunday letter. See Dominical letter, under Dominical.

Sunday school. See under School.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: first day of the week; observed as a day of rest and
worship by most Christians [syn: Sunday, Lord's Day,
Dominicus, Sun]
2: United States evangelist (1862-1935) [syn: Sunday, {Billy
Sunday}, William Ashley Sunday]
SUNDAY. The first day of the week.
2. In some of the New England states it begins at sun setting on
Saturday, and ends at the same time the next day. But in other parts of the
United States, it generally commences at twelve o'clock on the night between
Saturday and Sunday, and ends in twenty-four hours thereafter. 6, Gill. &
John. 268; and vide Bac. Ab. Heresy, &c. D; Id. Sheriff, N 4; 1 Salk. 78; 1
Sell. Pr. 12; Hamm. N. P. 140. The Sabbath, the Lord's Day, and Sunday, all
mean the same thing. 6 Gill. & John. 268; see 6 Watts, 231; 3 Watts, 56, 59.
2. In some states, owing to statutory provisions, contracts made on
Sunday are void; 6 Watts, R. 231; Leigh, N. P. 14; 1 P. A. Browne, 171; 5 B.
& C. 406; 4 Bing. 84; but in general they are binding, although made on that
day, if good in other respects. 1 Crompt. & Jervis, 130; 3 Law Intell. 210;
Chit. on Bills, 59; Wright's R. 764;,10 Mass. 312 1 Cowen, R. 76, n.; Cowp.
640; 1 Bl. Rep. 499; 1 Str. 702; see 8 Cowen, R. 27; 6 Penn. St. R. 417,
4. Sundays are computed in the time allowed for the performance of an
act, but if the last day happen to be a Sunday, it is to be excluded, and
the act must in general be performed on Saturday; 3 Penna. R. 201; 3 Chit.
Pr. 110; promissory notes and bills of exchange, when they fall due on
Sunday, are generally paid on Saturday. See, as to the origin of keeping
Sunday as a holiday, Neale's F. & F. Index, Lord's day; Story on Pr. Notes,
Sec. 220; Story on Bills, Sec. 233; 2 Hill's N. Y. Rep. 587; 2 Applet. R.

podobné slovodefinícia
a month of sundays
a month of Sundays,mnoho dní adj: Zdeněk Brož
easter sunday
Easter Sunday,
month of sundays
month of Sundays, n:
palm sunday
Palm Sunday,Květná neděle [náb.] Petr Prášek
sunday best
Sunday best,nedělní sváteční oděv Zdeněk Brož
sunday punch
Sunday punch,
sunday school
Sunday school,nedělní náboženská škola n: Zdeněk Brož
Sunday-go-to-meeting, adj:
whit sunday
Whit Sunday,
Advent Sunday
Sunday \Sun"day\, n. [AS. sunnandaeg; sunne, gen. sunnan, the
sun + daeg day; akin to D. zondag, G. sonntag; -- so called
because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or to
its worship. See Sun, and Day.]
The first day of the week, -- consecrated among Christians to
rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the
Christian Sabbath; the Lord's Day.
[1913 Webster]

Advent Sunday, Low Sunday, Passion Sunday, etc. See
under Advent, Low, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Sabbath.
[1913 Webster]Advent \Ad`vent\, n. [L. adventus, fr. advenire, adventum: cf.
F. avent. See Advene.]
1. (Eccl.) The period including the four Sundays before
[1913 Webster]

Advent Sunday (Eccl.), the first Sunday in the season of
Advent, being always the nearest Sunday to the feast of
St. Andrew (Now. 30). --Shipley.
[1913 Webster]

2. The first or the expected second coming of Christ.
[1913 Webster]

3. Coming; any important arrival; approach.
[1913 Webster]

Death's dreadful advent. --Young.
[1913 Webster]

Expecting still his advent home. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
Alb Sunday
Alb Sunday \Alb Sunday\ (Eccl.)
The first Sunday after Easter Sunday, properly {Albless
Sunday}, because in the early church those who had been
baptized on Easter eve laid aside on the following Saturday
their white albs which had been put on after baptism.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Albless Sunday
Alb Sunday \Alb Sunday\ (Eccl.)
The first Sunday after Easter Sunday, properly {Albless
Sunday}, because in the early church those who had been
baptized on Easter eve laid aside on the following Saturday
their white albs which had been put on after baptism.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Carling Sunday
Carlings \Car"lings\, n. pl.
Same as Carl, 3.
[1913 Webster]

Carling Sunday, a Sunday in Lent when carls are eaten. In
some parts of England, Passion Sunday. See Carl, 4.
[1913 Webster]
cycle of the Sunday letter
Cycle \Cy"cle\ (s?"k'l), n. [F. ycle, LL. cyclus, fr. Gr.
ky`klos ring or circle, cycle; akin to Skr. cakra wheel,
circle. See Wheel.]
1. An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens; one of the
celestial spheres. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. An interval of time in which a certain succession of
events or phenomena is completed, and then returns again
and again, uniformly and continually in the same order; a
periodical space of time marked by the recurrence of
something peculiar; as, the cycle of the seasons, or of
the year.
[1913 Webster]

Wages . . . bear a full proportion . . . to the
medium of provision during the last bad cycle of
twenty years. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

3. An age; a long period of time.
[1913 Webster]

Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay.
[1913 Webster]

4. An orderly list for a given time; a calendar. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

We . . . present our gardeners with a complete cycle
of what is requisite to be done throughout every
month of the year. --Evelyn.
[1913 Webster]

5. The circle of subjects connected with the exploits of the
hero or heroes of some particular period which have served
as a popular theme for poetry, as the legend of Arthur and
the knights of the Round Table, and that of Charlemagne
and his paladins.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Bot.) One entire round in a circle or a spire; as, a
cycle or set of leaves. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

7. A bicycle or tricycle, or other light velocipede.
[1913 Webster]

8. A motorcycle.

9. (Thermodynamics) A series of operations in which heat is
imparted to (or taken away from) a working substance which
by its expansion gives up a part of its internal energy in
the form of mechanical work (or being compressed increases
its internal energy) and is again brought back to its
original state.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

10. (Technology) A complete positive and negative, or forward
and reverse, action of any periodic process, such as a
vibration, an electric field oscillation, or a current
alternation; one period. Hence: (Elec.) A complete
positive and negative wave of an alternating current. The
number of cycles (per second) is a measure of the
frequency of an alternating current.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + PJC]

Calippic cycle, a period of 76 years, or four Metonic
cycles; -- so called from Calippus, who proposed it as an
improvement on the Metonic cycle.

Cycle of eclipses, a period of about 6,586 days, the time
of revolution of the moon's node; -- called Saros by the

Cycle of indiction, a period of 15 years, employed in Roman
and ecclesiastical chronology, not founded on any
astronomical period, but having reference to certain
judicial acts which took place at stated epochs under the
Greek emperors.

Cycle of the moon, or Metonic cycle, a period of 19
years, after the lapse of which the new and full moon
returns to the same day of the year; -- so called from
Meton, who first proposed it.

Cycle of the sun, Solar cycle, a period of 28 years, at
the end of which time the days of the month return to the
same days of the week. The dominical or Sunday letter
follows the same order; hence the solar cycle is also
called the cycle of the Sunday letter. In the Gregorian
calendar the solar cycle is in general interrupted at the
end of the century.
[1913 Webster]