- súhlas, harmónia, harmonizovať, poskytnúť
accord,dohoda n: Pavel Machek; Giza
accord,poskytnout v: Zdeněk Brož
accord,shoda n:
accord,smlouva n: Zdeněk Brož
accord,souhlas n:
Accord \Ac*cord"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Accorded; p. pr. & vb.
n. According.] [OE. acorden, accorden, OF. acorder, F.
accorder, fr. LL. accordare; L. ad + cor, cordis, heart. Cf.
Concord, Discord, and see Heart.]
1. To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to
another; to adjust; -- followed by to. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Her hands accorded the lute's music to the voice.
[1913 Webster]

2. To bring to an agreement, as persons; to reconcile; to
settle, adjust, harmonize, or compose, as things; as, to
accord suits or controversies.
[1913 Webster]

When they were accorded from the fray. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

All which particulars, being confessedly knotty and
difficult can never be accorded but by a competent
stock of critical learning. --South.
[1913 Webster]

3. To grant as suitable or proper; to concede; to award; as,
to accord to one due praise. "According his desire."
[1913 Webster]
Accord \Ac*cord"\, n. [OE. acord, accord, OF. acort, acorde, F.
accord, fr. OF. acorder, F. accorder. See Accord, v. t.]
1. Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action;
harmony of mind; consent; assent.
[1913 Webster]

A mediator of an accord and peace between them.
[1913 Webster]

These all continued with one accord in prayer.
--Acts i. 14.
[1913 Webster]

2. Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord;
as, the accord of tones.
[1913 Webster]

Those sweet accords are even the angels' lays. --Sir
J. Davies.
[1913 Webster]

3. Agreement, harmony, or just correspondence of things; as,
the accord of light and shade in painting.
[1913 Webster]

4. Voluntary or spontaneous motion or impulse to act; --
preceded by own; as, of one's own accord.
[1913 Webster]

That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest
thou shalt not reap. --Lev. xxv. 5.
[1913 Webster]

Of his own accord he went unto you. --2 Cor. vii.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Law) An agreement between parties in controversy, by
which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which,
when executed, bars a suit. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

With one accord, with unanimity.
[1913 Webster]

They rushed with one accord into the theater. --Acts
xix. 29.
[1913 Webster]
Accord \Ac*cord"\, v. i.
1. To agree; to correspond; to be in harmony; -- followed by
with, formerly also by to; as, his disposition accords
with his looks.
[1913 Webster]

My heart accordeth with my tongue. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Thy actions to thy words accord. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To agree in pitch and tone.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the
two parties were in agreement" [syn: agreement, accord]
[ant: disagreement, dissension, dissonance]
2: concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
[syn: accord, conformity, accordance]
3: a written agreement between two states or sovereigns [syn:
treaty, pact, accord]
4: sympathetic compatibility
v 1: go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas
concorded" [syn: harmonize, harmonise, consort,
accord, concord, fit in, agree]
2: allow to have; "grant a privilege" [syn: accord, allot,
ACCORD, n. Harmony.
ACCORD, in contracts. A satisfaction agreed upon between the party injuring
and the party injured, which when performed is a bar to all actions upon
this account. 3 Bl. Com. 15; Bac. Abr, Accord.
2. In order to make a good accord it is essential:
1. That the accord be legal. An agreement to drop a criminal
prosecution as a satisfaction for an assault and imprisonment, is void. 5
East, 294. See 2 Wils. 341 Cro. Eliz. 541.
3.-2. It must be advantageous to the contracting party; hence
restoring to the plaintiff his chattels, or his land, of which the defendant
has wrongfully dispossessed him, will not be any consideration to support a
promise by the plaintiff not to sue him for those injuries. Bac. Abr.
Accord, &c. A; Perk. s. 749; Dyer, 75; 5 East, R. 230; 1 Str. R. 426; 2 T.
R. 24; 11 East, R. 390; 3 Hawks, R. 580; 2 Litt. R. 49; 1 Stew. R. 476; 5
Day, R. 360; 1 Root, R. 426; 3 Wend. R. 66; 1 Wend, R. 164; 14 Wend. R. 116;
3 J. J. Marsh. R. 497.
4.-3. It must be certain; hence an agreement that the defendant shall
relinquish the possession of a house in satisfaction, &c., is not valid,
unless it is also agreed at what time it shall be relinquished. Yelv. 125.
See 4 Mod. 88; 2 Johns. 342; 3 Lev. 189.
5.-4. The defendant must be privy to the contract. If therefore the
consideration for the promise not to sue proceeds from another, the
defendant is a stranger to the agreement, and the circumstance that the
promise has been made to him will be of no avail. Str. 592; 6, John. R. 37;
3 Monr. R. 302 but in such case equity will grant relief by injunction. 3
Monr. R. 302; 5 East, R. 294; 1 Smith's R. 615; Cro. Eliz. 641; 9 Co. 79, b;
3 Taunt. R. 117; 5 Co. 117, b.
6.-5. The accord must be executed. 5 Johns. R. 386; 3 Johns. Cas.
243; 16 Johns. R. 86; 2 Wash. C. C. R. 180; 6 Wend. R. 390; 5 N. H. Rep.
136; Com. Dig. Accord, B 4.
7. Accord with satisfaction when completed has two effects; it is a
payment of the debt; and it is a species of sale of the thing given by the
debtor to the creditor, in satisfaction; but it differs from it in this,
that it is not valid until the delivery of the article, and there is no
warranty of the thing thus sold, except perhaps the title; for in regard to
this, it cannot be doubted, that if the debtor gave on an accord and
satisfaction the goods of another, there would be no satisfaction. See
Dation, en paiement. See in general Com. Dig. h.t.; Bac. Ab. h.t.; Com.
Dig. Pleader, 2 V 8; 5 East, R. 230; 4 Mod. 88 ; 1 Taunt. R. 428; 7 East, R.
150; 1 J. B. Moore, 358, 460; 2 Wils. R. 86; 6 Co. 43, b; 3 Chit. Com. Law,
687 to 698; Harr. Dig. h.t.; 1 W. Bl. 388; 2 T. R. 24; 2 Taunt. 141; 3
Taunt. 117; 5 B.& A. 886; 2 Chit. R. 303 324; 11 East, 890; 7 Price, 604; 2
Greenl. Ev. Sec. 28; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 805; 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 24 78-79-80-81.
Vide Discharge of Obligations.

podobné slovodefinícia
- súhlas, harmónia, harmonizovať, poskytnúť
- zhoda
- podľa
according to
according to
- podľa
in accordance with
in accordance with
- podľa
accord,dohoda n: Pavel Machek; Gizaaccord,poskytnout v: Zdeněk Brožaccord,shoda n: accord,smlouva n: Zdeněk Brožaccord,souhlas n:
accord equal rights
accord equal rights,zrovnoprávnit v: Zdeněk Brož
accord in
accord in,v souhlasu s