caries,kaz n: Zdeněk Brož
Carib \Car"ib\, n.; pl. Caries. [See Cannibal.] (Ethol.)
A native of the Caribbee islands or the coasts of the
Caribbean sea; esp., one of a tribe of Indians inhabiting a
region of South America, north of the Amazon, and formerly
most of the West India islands.
[1913 Webster] Caribbean
Caries \Ca"ri*es\, n. [L., decay.] (Med.)
Ulceration of bone; a process in which bone disintegrates and
is carried away piecemeal, as distinguished from necrosis, in
which it dies in masses.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to
the death of a tooth [syn: cavity, caries, {dental
caries}, tooth decay]
podobné slovodefinícia
caries,kaz n: Zdeněk Brož
dental caries
dental caries, n:
scariest,nejstrašidelnější adj: Zdeněk Brož
Apothecary \A*poth"e*ca*ry\, n.; pl. Apothecaries. [OE.
apotecarie, fr. LL. apothecarius, fr. L. apotheca storehouse,
Gr. apo, fr. ? to put away; ? from + ? to put: cf. F.
apothicaire, OF. apotecaire. See Thesis.]
1. One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for
medicinal purposes; a druggist; a pharmacist.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England an apothecary is one of a privileged class
of practitioners, licensed to prescribe medicine -- a
kind of sub-physician. The surgeon apothecary is the
ordinary family medical attendant. One who sells drugs
and makes up prescriptions is now commonly called in
England a druggist or a pharmaceutical chemist.
[1913 Webster]

2. A drugstore; a store where medicines are sold.

Apothecaries' weight, the system of weights by which
medical prescriptions were formerly compounded. The pound
and ounce are the same as in Troy weight; they differ only
in the manner of subdivision. The ounce is divided into 8
drams, 24 scruples, 480 grains. See Troy weight.
[1913 Webster]