- darček
gift,nadání n: Zdeněk Brož
gift,talent n: Zdeněk Brož
Gift \Gift\, n. [OE. gift, yift, yeft, AS. gift, fr. gifan to
give; akin to D. & G. gift, Icel. gift, gipt, Goth. gifts (in
comp.). See Give, v. t.]
1. Anything given; anything voluntarily transferred by one
person to another without compensation; a present; an
[1913 Webster]

Shall I receive by gift, what of my own, . . .
I can command ? --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act, right, or power of giving or bestowing; as, the
office is in the gift of the President.
[1913 Webster]

3. A bribe; anything given to corrupt.
[1913 Webster]

Neither take a gift, for a gift doth blind the eyes
of the wise. --Deut. xvi.
[1913 Webster]

4. Some exceptional inborn quality or characteristic; a
striking or special talent or aptitude; power; faculty;
as, the gift of wit; a gift for speaking.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Law) A voluntary transfer of real or personal property,
without any consideration. It can be perfected only by
deed, or in case of personal property, by an actual
delivery of possession. --Bouvier. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

Gift rope (Naut), a rope extended to a boat for towing it;
a guest rope.

Syn: Present; donation; grant; largess; benefaction; boon;
bounty; gratuity; endowment; talent; faculty.

Usage: Gift, Present, Donation. These words, as here
compared, denote something gratuitously imparted to
another out of one's property. A gift is something
given whether by a superior or an inferior, and is
usually designed for the relief or benefit of him who
receives it. A present is ordinarly from an equal or
inferior, and is always intended as a compliment or
expression of kindness. Donation is a word of more
dignity, denoting, properly, a gift of considerable
value, and ordinarly a gift made either to some public
institution, or to an individual on account of his
services to the public; as, a donation to a hospital,
a charitable society, or a minister.
[1913 Webster]
Gift \Gift\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gifted; p. pr. & vb. n.
To endow with some power or faculty. See gift[4].
[1913 Webster]

He was gifted . . . with philosophical sagacity. --I.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: something acquired without compensation
2: natural abilities or qualities [syn: endowment, gift,
talent, natural endowment]
3: the act of giving [syn: giving, gift]
v 1: give qualities or abilities to [syn: endow, indue,
gift, empower, invest, endue]
2: give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her
for her birthday?" [syn: give, gift, present]
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GIFT, contracts. The act by which the owner of a thing, voluntarily
transfers the title and possession of the same, from himself to another
person who accepts it, without any consideration. It differs from a grant,
sale, or barter in this, that in each of these cases there must be a
consideration, and a gift, as the @definitionstates, must be without
2. The manner of making the gift may be in writing, or verbally, and,
as far as personal chattels are concerned, they are equally binding. Perk.
Sec. 57; 2 Bl. Com. 441. But real estate must be transferred by deed.
3. There must be a transfer made with an intention of passing the
title, and delivering the possession of the thing given, and it must be
accepted by the donee. 1 Madd. Ch. R. 176, Am. ed. p. 104; sed vide 2 Barn.
& Ald. 551; Noy's Rep. 67.
4. The transfer must be without consideration, for if there be the
least consideration, it will change the contract into a sale or barter, if
possession be delivered; or if not, into an executory contract. 2 Bl. Com.
5. Gifts are divided into gifts inter vivos, and gifts causa mortis;
and also' into simple or proper gifts; that is, such as are to take
immediate effect, without any condition; and qualified or improper gifts, or
such as derive their force upon the happening, of some condition or
contingency; as, for example, a donatio causa mortis. Vide Donatio causa
mortis; Gifts inter vivos; and Vin. Ab. h. t.; Com. Dig. Biens, D 2, and
Grant; Bac. Ab. Grant; 14 Vin. Ab. 19 3 M. & S. 7 5 Taunt. 212 1 Miles, R.

GIFT, conveyancing. A voluntary conveyance; that is, a conveyance not
founded on the consideration of money or blood. The word denotes rather the
motive of the conveyance; so that a feoffment or grant may be called a gift
when gratuitous. A gift is of the same nature as a settlement; neither
denotes a form of assurance, but the nature of the transaction. Watk. Prin.
199, by Preston. The operative words of this conveyance are do or dedi. The
maker of this instrument is called the donor, and he to whom it is made, the
donee. 2 B. Com. 316 Litt. 69; Touchs. ch. 11.

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