laurel,bobek n: Zdeněk Brož
laurel,vavřín n: [bot.]
Laurel \Lau"rel\, n. [OE. lorel, laurer, lorer, OF. lorier,
laurier, F. laurier, (assumed) LL. Laurarius, fr. L. laurus.]
1. (Bot.) An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus ({Laurus
nobilis}), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape,
with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their
axils; -- called also sweet bay.

Note: The fruit is a purple berry. It is found about the
Mediterranean, and was early used by the ancient Greeks
to crown the victor in the games of Apollo. At a later
period, academic honors were indicated by a crown of
laurel, with the fruit. The leaves and tree yield an
aromatic oil, used to flavor the bay water of commerce.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name is extended to other plants which in some
respect resemble the true laurel. See Phrases, below.
[1913 Webster]

2. A crown of laurel; hence, honor; distinction; fame; --
especially in the plural; as, to win laurels.
[1913 Webster]

3. An English gold coin made in 1619, and so called because
the king's head on it was crowned with laurel.
[1913 Webster]

Laurel water, water distilled from the fresh leaves of the
cherry laurel, and containing prussic acid and other
products carried over in the process.
[1913 Webster]

American laurel, or Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia;
called also calico bush. See under Mountain.

California laurel, Umbellularia Californica.

Cherry laurel (in England called laurel). See under

Great laurel, the rosebay (Rhododendron maximum).

Ground laurel, trailing arbutus.

New Zealand laurel, the Laurelia Nov[ae] Zelandi[ae].

Portugal laurel, the Prunus Lusitanica.

Rose laurel, the oleander. See Oleander.

Sheep laurel, a poisonous shrub, Kalmia angustifolia,
smaller than the mountain laurel, and with smaller and
redder flowers.

Spurge laurel, Daphne Laureola.

West Indian laurel, Prunus occidentalis.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of various aromatic trees of the laurel family
2: United States slapstick comedian (born in England) who played
the scatterbrained and often tearful member of the Laurel and
Hardy duo who made many films (1890-1965) [syn: Laurel,
Stan Laurel, Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel]
3: (antiquity) a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an
emblem of victory [syn: laurel, laurel wreath, {bay
LAUREATE, adj. Crowned with leaves of the laurel. In England the
Poet Laureate is an officer of the sovereign's court, acting as
dancing skeleton at every royal feast and singing-mute at every royal
funeral. Of all incumbents of that high office, Robert Southey had
the most notable knack at drugging the Samson of public joy and
cutting his hair to the quick; and he had an artistic color-sense
which enabled him so to blacken a public grief as to give it the
aspect of a national crime.
LAUREL, n. The _laurus_, a vegetable dedicated to Apollo, and
formerly defoliated to wreathe the brows of victors and such poets as
had influence at court. (_Vide supra._)
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