Morgan,Morgan n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Morgan,Morgana n: [jmén.] [myt.] čarodějka z artušovských legend, známá
též jako Morgan le Fay Petr Prášek
Morgan,Morgann: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Morgan \Mor"gan\, n. (Zool.)
One of a celebrated breed of small compact American saddle
and trotting horses; -- so called from the name of the stud
(Justin Morgan) from which the breed originated in Vermont.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Morgan \Morgan\ prop. n.
John Pierpont Morgan, a noted American financier and
philanthropist; 1837-1913.

Syn: J. P. Morgan.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: United States anthropologist who studied the Seneca
(1818-1881) [syn: Morgan, Lewis Henry Morgan]
2: United States biologist who formulated the chromosome theory
of heredity (1866-1945) [syn: Morgan, Thomas Hunt Morgan]
3: a Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West
Indies for the English (1635-1688) [syn: Morgan, {Henry
Morgan}, Sir Henry Morgan]
4: soldier in the American Revolution who defeated the British
in the battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802) [syn:
Morgan, Daniel Morgan]
5: United States financier and philanthropist (1837-1913) [syn:
Morgan, J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan]
6: an American breed of small compact saddle horses
podobné slovodefinícia
fata morgana
fata morgana, n:
henry morgan
Henry Morgan,
Morgan,Morgan n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladMorgan,Morgana n: [jmén.] [myt.] čarodějka z artušovských legend, známá
též jako Morgan le Fay Petr Prášek
morganatic,morganatický adj: Zdeněk Brož
morganite, n:
Morgan,Morgann: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Morgana,Morgann: [jmén.] [myt.] čarodějka z artušovských legend, známá
též jako Morgan le Fay Petr Prášek
morganatický,morganaticadj: Zdeněk Brož
fata Morgana
Mirage \Mi`rage"\, n. [F., fr. mirer to look at carefully, to
aim, se mirer to look at one's self in a glass, to reflect,
to be reflected, LL. mirare to look at. See Mirror.]
An optical effect, sometimes seen on the ocean, but more
frequently in deserts, due to total reflection of light at
the surface common to two strata of air differently heated.
The reflected image is seen, commonly in an inverted
position, while the real object may or may not be in sight.
When the surface is horizontal, and below the eye, the
appearance is that of a sheet of water in which the object is
seen reflected; when the reflecting surface is above the eye,
the image is seen projected against the sky. The {fata
Morgana} and looming are species of mirage.
[1913 Webster]

By the mirage uplifted the land floats vague in the
Ships and the shadows of ships hang in the motionless
air. --Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]Fata Morgana \Fa"ta Mor*ga"na\ [It.; -- so called because this
phenomenon was looked upon as the work of a fairy (It. fata)
of the name of Morg['a]na. See Fairy.]
A kind of mirage by which distant objects appear inverted,
distorted, displaced, or multiplied. It is noticed
particularly at the Straits of Messina, between Calabria and
[1913 Webster]
Fata Morgana
Mirage \Mi`rage"\, n. [F., fr. mirer to look at carefully, to
aim, se mirer to look at one's self in a glass, to reflect,
to be reflected, LL. mirare to look at. See Mirror.]
An optical effect, sometimes seen on the ocean, but more
frequently in deserts, due to total reflection of light at
the surface common to two strata of air differently heated.
The reflected image is seen, commonly in an inverted
position, while the real object may or may not be in sight.
When the surface is horizontal, and below the eye, the
appearance is that of a sheet of water in which the object is
seen reflected; when the reflecting surface is above the eye,
the image is seen projected against the sky. The {fata
Morgana} and looming are species of mirage.
[1913 Webster]

By the mirage uplifted the land floats vague in the
Ships and the shadows of ships hang in the motionless
air. --Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]Fata Morgana \Fa"ta Mor*ga"na\ [It.; -- so called because this
phenomenon was looked upon as the work of a fairy (It. fata)
of the name of Morg['a]na. See Fairy.]
A kind of mirage by which distant objects appear inverted,
distorted, displaced, or multiplied. It is noticed
particularly at the Straits of Messina, between Calabria and
[1913 Webster]
Morganatic \Mor`ga*nat"ic\, a. [LL. matrimonium ad morganaticam,
fr. morganatica a morning gift, a kind of dowry paid on the
morning before or after the marriage, fr. OHG. morgan
morning, in morgangeba morning gift, G. morgengabe. See
Pertaining to, in the manner of, or designating, a kind of
marriage, called also left-handed marriage, between a man
of superior rank and a woman of inferior, in which it is
stipulated that neither the latter nor her children shall
enjoy the rank or inherit the possessions of her husband.
--Brande & C. -- Mor`ga*nat"ic*al*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Morganatic \Mor`ga*nat"ic\, a. [LL. matrimonium ad morganaticam,
fr. morganatica a morning gift, a kind of dowry paid on the
morning before or after the marriage, fr. OHG. morgan
morning, in morgangeba morning gift, G. morgengabe. See
Pertaining to, in the manner of, or designating, a kind of
marriage, called also left-handed marriage, between a man
of superior rank and a woman of inferior, in which it is
stipulated that neither the latter nor her children shall
enjoy the rank or inherit the possessions of her husband.
--Brande & C. -- Mor`ga*nat"ic*al*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Sedum morganianum
donkey's tail \donkey's tail\ n.
a Mexican plant (Sedum morganianum) bearing small
rose-colored flowers; called also burro's tail, {horse's
tail}, and lamb's tail. --RHUD
daniel morgan
Daniel Morgan
n 1: soldier in the American Revolution who defeated the British
in the battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802) [syn:
Morgan, Daniel Morgan]
fata morgana
fata morgana
n 1: a mirage in the Strait of Messina (attributed to the
Arthurian sorcerer Morgan le Fay)
henry morgan
Henry Morgan
n 1: a Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West
Indies for the English (1635-1688) [syn: Morgan, {Henry
Morgan}, Sir Henry Morgan]
j. p. morgan
J. P. Morgan
n 1: United States financier and philanthropist (1837-1913)
[syn: Morgan, J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan]
john pierpont morgan
John Pierpont Morgan
n 1: United States financier and philanthropist (1837-1913)
[syn: Morgan, J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan]
lepiota morgani
Lepiota morgani
n 1: an agaric regarded as poisonous [syn: poisonous parasol,
Lepiota morgani]
lewis henry morgan
Lewis Henry Morgan
n 1: United States anthropologist who studied the Seneca
(1818-1881) [syn: Morgan, Lewis Henry Morgan]
n 1: United States anthropologist who studied the Seneca
(1818-1881) [syn: Morgan, Lewis Henry Morgan]
2: United States biologist who formulated the chromosome theory
of heredity (1866-1945) [syn: Morgan, Thomas Hunt Morgan]
3: a Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West
Indies for the English (1635-1688) [syn: Morgan, {Henry
Morgan}, Sir Henry Morgan]
4: soldier in the American Revolution who defeated the British
in the battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802) [syn:
Morgan, Daniel Morgan]
5: United States financier and philanthropist (1837-1913) [syn:
Morgan, J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan]
6: an American breed of small compact saddle horses
morgan city
Morgan City
n 1: a town in southeast Louisiana to the south of Baton Rouge
morgan le fay
Morgan le Fay
n 1: (Arthurian legend) a wicked enchantress who was the half
sister and enemy of King Arthur
adj 1: (of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or
noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the
understanding that the rank of the inferior remains
unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or
property of the superior [syn: morganatic, {left-
n 1: a kind of pink beryl used as a gemstone
n 1: a city in northern West Virginia on the Monongahela river
near the Pennsylvania border; site of the University of
West Virginia
sir henry morgan
Sir Henry Morgan
n 1: a Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West
Indies for the English (1635-1688) [syn: Morgan, {Henry
Morgan}, Sir Henry Morgan]
thomas hunt morgan
Thomas Hunt Morgan
n 1: United States biologist who formulated the chromosome
theory of heredity (1866-1945) [syn: Morgan, {Thomas Hunt