- myš
mouse,myš n: [it.]
mouse,myš n: [zoo.]
mouse,myška n: Zdeněk Brož
Mouse \Mouse\ (mous), n.; pl. Mice (m[imac]s). [OE. mous, mus,
AS. m[=u]s, pl. m[=y]s; akin to D. muis, G. maus, OHG. &
Icel. m[=u]s, Dan. muus, Sw. mus, Russ. muishe, L. mus, Gr.
my^s, Skr. m[=u]sh mouse, mush to steal. [root]277. Cf.
Muscle, Musk.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small rodents
belonging to the genus Mus and various related genera of
the family Muridae. The common house mouse ({Mus
musculus}) is found in nearly all countries. The American
white-footed mouse, or deer mouse ({Peromyscus
leucopus}, formerly Hesperomys leucopus) sometimes lives
in houses. See Dormouse, Meadow mouse, under Meadow,
and Harvest mouse, under Harvest.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.)
(a) A knob made on a rope with spun yarn or parceling to
prevent a running eye from slipping.
(b) Same as 2d Mousing, 2.
[1913 Webster]

3. A familiar term of endearment. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A dark-colored swelling caused by a blow. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

5. A match used in firing guns or blasting.
[1913 Webster]

Field mouse, Flying mouse, etc. See under Field,
Flying, etc.

Mouse bird (Zool.), a coly.

Mouse deer (Zool.), a chevrotain, as the kanchil.

Mouse galago (Zool.), a very small West American galago
(Galago murinus). In color and size it resembles a
mouse. It has a bushy tail like that of a squirrel.

Mouse hawk. (Zool.)
(a) A hawk that devours mice.
(b) The hawk owl; -- called also mouse owl.

Mouse lemur (Zool.), any one of several species of very
small lemurs of the genus Chirogaleus, found in

Mouse piece (Cookery), the piece of beef cut from the part
next below the round or from the lower part of the latter;
-- called also mouse buttock.
[1913 Webster]
Mouse \Mouse\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Moused; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To watch for and catch mice.
[1913 Webster]

2. To watch for or pursue anything in a sly manner; to pry
about, on the lookout for something.
[1913 Webster]
Mouse \Mouse\, v. t.
1. To tear, as a cat devours a mouse. [Obs.] "[Death] mousing
the flesh of men." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) To furnish with a mouse; to secure by means of a
mousing. See Mouse, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of numerous small rodents typically resembling
diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on
elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
2: a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye [syn: shiner,
black eye, mouse]
3: person who is quiet or timid
4: a hand-operated electronic device that controls the
coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move
it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball
that rolls on the surface of the pad; "a mouse takes much
more room than a trackball" [syn: mouse, computer mouse]
v 1: to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around
spying on the neighbor's house" [syn: sneak, mouse,
creep, pussyfoot]
2: manipulate the mouse of a computer

A mighty small macro language developed by Peter Grogono in

["Mouse, A Language for Microcomputers", P. Grogono
Petrocelli Books, 1983].


The most commonly used computer {pointing
device}, first introduced by Douglas Engelbart in 1968.
The mouse is a device used to manipulate an on-screen
pointer that's normally shaped like an arrow. With the
mouse in hand, the computer user can select, move, and change
items on the screen.

A conventional roller-ball mouse is slid across the surface
of the desk, often on a mouse mat. As the mouse moves, a
ball set in a depression on the underside of the mouse rolls
accordingly. The ball is also in contact with two small
shafts set at right angles to each other inside the mouse.
The rotating ball turns the shafts, and sensors inside the
mouse measure the shafts' rotation. The distance and
direction information from the sensors is then transmitted to
the computer, usually through a connecting wire - the mouse's
"tail". The computer then moves the mouse pointer on the
screen to follow the movements of the mouse. This may be done
directly by the graphics adapter, but where it involves the
processor the task should be assigned a high priority to
avoid any perceptible delay.

Some mice are contoured to fit the shape of a person's right
hand, and some come in left-handed versions. Other mice are

Included on the mouse are usually two or three buttons that
the user may press, or click, to initiate various actions such
as running programs or opening files. The left-most
button (the primary mouse button) is operated with the index
finger to select and activate objects represented on the
screen. Different operating systems and {graphical user
interfaces} have different conventions for using the other
button(s). Typical operations include calling up a
context-sensitive menu, modifying the selection, or pasting
text. With fewer mouse buttons these require combinations of
mouse and keyboard actions. Between its left and right
buttons, a mouse may also have a wheel that can be used for
scrolling or other special operations defined by the software.
Some systems allow the mouse button assignments to be swapped
round for left-handed users.

Just moving the pointer across the screen with the mouse
typically does nothing (though some CAD systems respond to
patterns of mouse movement with no buttons pressed).
Normally, the pointer is positioned over something on the
screen (an icon or a menu item), and the user then clicks
a mouse button to actually affect the screen display.

The five most common "gestures" performed with the mouse are:
point (to place the pointer over an on-screen item), click
(to press and release a mouse button), double-click {to
press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession},
right-click (to press and release the right mouse button},
and drag (to hold down the mouse button while moving the

Most modern computers include a mouse as standard equipment.
However, some systems, especially portable laptop and
notebook models, may have a trackball, touchpad or
Trackpoint on or next to the keyboard. These input
devices work like the mouse, but take less space and don't
need a desk.

Many other alternatives to the conventional roller-ball mouse
exist. A tailless mouse, or hamster, transmits its
information with infrared impulses. A {foot-controlled
mouse (} is one used on the floor
underneath the desk. An optical mouse uses a
light-emitting diode and photocells instead of a rolling
ball to track its position. Some optical designs may require
a special mouse mat marked with a grid, others, like the
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, work on nearly any surface.




{PC Guide's "Troubleshooting Mice"

MOUSE, n. An animal which strews its path with fainting women. As in
Rome Christians were thrown to the lions, so centuries earlier in
Otumwee, the most ancient and famous city of the world, female
heretics were thrown to the mice. Jakak-Zotp, the historian, the only
Otumwump whose writings have descended to us, says that these martyrs
met their death with little dignity and much exertion. He even
attempts to exculpate the mice (such is the malice of bigotry) by
declaring that the unfortunate women perished, some from exhaustion,
some of broken necks from falling over their own feet, and some from
lack of restoratives. The mice, he avers, enjoyed the pleasures of
the chase with composure. But if "Roman history is nine-tenths
lying," we can hardly expect a smaller proportion of that rhetorical
figure in the annals of a people capable of so incredible cruelty to a
lovely women; for a hard heart has a false tongue.
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- myš
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build a better mousetrap,zlepšit obyčejnou věc Zdeněk Brož
cat and mouse
cat and mouse, n:
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computer mouse, n:
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deer mouse
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dormouse,plch n: Zdeněk Brož
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field mouse, n:
field mouse-ear
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jumping mouse, n:
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meadow jumping mouse, n:
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mouse,myš n: [it.] mouse,myš n: [zoo.] mouse,myška n: Zdeněk Brož
mouse button
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