Russell,Russell n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Russell,Russelln: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
n 1: United States religious leader who founded the sect that is
now called Jehovah's Witnesses (1852-1916) [syn: Russell,
Charles Taze Russell]
2: English film director (born in 1927) [syn: Russell, {Ken
Russell}, Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell]
3: United States basketball center (born in 1934) [syn:
Russell, Bill Russell, William Felton Russell]
4: United States entertainer remembered for her roles in comic
operas (1861-1922) [syn: Russell, Lillian Russell]
5: United States astronomer who developed a theory of stellar
evolution (1877-1957) [syn: Russell, Henry Russell,
Henry Norris Russell]
6: Irish writer whose pen name was A.E. (1867-1935) [syn:
Russell, George William Russell, A.E.]
7: English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with
Whitehead (1872-1970) [syn: Russell, Bertrand Russell,
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell]

(After Bertrand Russell) A compact,
polymorphically typed functional language by A. Demers &
J. Donahue with bignums and continuations. Types are
themselves first-class values and may be passed as


["An Informal Description of Russell", H. Boehm et al, Cornell
CS TR 80-430, 1980].

["Understanding Russell: A First Attempt", J.G. Hook in LNCS
173, Springer].

podobné slovodefinícia
Russell,Russell n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Russell,Russelln: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Daboia Russellii
Ticpolonga \Tic`po*lon"ga\, n. [Native name.] (Zool.)
A very venomous viper (Daboia Russellii), native of Ceylon
and India; -- called also cobra monil.
[1913 Webster]viper \vi"per\ (v[imac]"p[~e]r), n. [F. vip[`e]re, L. vipera,
probably contr. fr. vivipera; vivus alive + parere to bring
forth, because it was believed to be the only serpent that
brings forth living young. Cf. Quick, a., Parent,
Viviparous, Wivern, Weever.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of Old World venomous
snakes belonging to Vipera, Clotho, Daboia, and
other genera of the family Viperidae.
[1913 Webster]

There came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on
his hand. --Acts xxviii.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the best-known species are the European adder
(Pelias berus), the European asp (Vipera aspis),
the African horned viper (Vipera cerastes), and the
Indian viper (Daboia Russellii).
[1913 Webster]

2. A dangerous, treacherous, or malignant person.
[1913 Webster]

Who committed
To such a viper his most sacred trust
Of secrecy. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Loosely, any venomous or presumed venomous snake.

Horned viper. (Zool.) See Cerastes.

Red viper (Zool.), the copperhead.

Viper fish (Zool.), a small, slender, phosphorescent
deep-sea fish (Chauliodus Sloanii). It has long ventral
and dorsal fins, a large mouth, and very long, sharp

Viper's bugloss (Bot.), a rough-leaved biennial herb
(Echium vulgare) having showy purplish blue flowers. It
is sometimes cultivated, but has become a pestilent weed
in fields from New York to Virginia. Also called {blue

Viper's grass (Bot.), a perennial composite herb
(Scorzonera Hispanica) with narrow, entire leaves, and
solitary heads of yellow flowers. The long, white,
carrot-shaped roots are used for food in Spain and some
other countries. Called also viper grass.
[1913 Webster]
bertrand arthur william russell
Bertrand Arthur William Russell
n 1: English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with
Whitehead (1872-1970) [syn: Russell, Bertrand Russell,
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell]
bertrand russell
Bertrand Russell
n 1: English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with
Whitehead (1872-1970) [syn: Russell, Bertrand Russell,
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell]
bill russell
Bill Russell
n 1: United States basketball center (born in 1934) [syn:
Russell, Bill Russell, William Felton Russell]
boletellus russellii
Boletellus russellii
n 1: a fungus with a long coarsely shaggy reticulate stalk and a
rimose areolate cap surface
charles taze russell
Charles Taze Russell
n 1: United States religious leader who founded the sect that is
now called Jehovah's Witnesses (1852-1916) [syn: Russell,
Charles Taze Russell]
earl russell
Earl Russell
n 1: English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with
Whitehead (1872-1970) [syn: Russell, Bertrand Russell,
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell]
george william russell
George William Russell
n 1: Irish writer whose pen name was A.E. (1867-1935) [syn:
Russell, George William Russell, A.E.]
henry kenneth alfred russell
Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell
n 1: English film director (born in 1927) [syn: Russell, {Ken
Russell}, Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell]
henry norris russell
Henry Norris Russell
n 1: United States astronomer who developed a theory of stellar
evolution (1877-1957) [syn: Russell, Henry Russell,
Henry Norris Russell]
henry russell
Henry Russell
n 1: United States astronomer who developed a theory of stellar
evolution (1877-1957) [syn: Russell, Henry Russell,
Henry Norris Russell]
ken russell
Ken Russell
n 1: English film director (born in 1927) [syn: Russell, {Ken
Russell}, Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell]
lillian russell
Lillian Russell
n 1: United States entertainer remembered for her roles in comic
operas (1861-1922) [syn: Russell, Lillian Russell]
n 1: United States religious leader who founded the sect that is
now called Jehovah's Witnesses (1852-1916) [syn: Russell,
Charles Taze Russell]
2: English film director (born in 1927) [syn: Russell, {Ken
Russell}, Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell]
3: United States basketball center (born in 1934) [syn:
Russell, Bill Russell, William Felton Russell]
4: United States entertainer remembered for her roles in comic
operas (1861-1922) [syn: Russell, Lillian Russell]
5: United States astronomer who developed a theory of stellar
evolution (1877-1957) [syn: Russell, Henry Russell,
Henry Norris Russell]
6: Irish writer whose pen name was A.E. (1867-1935) [syn:
Russell, George William Russell, A.E.]
7: English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with
Whitehead (1872-1970) [syn: Russell, Bertrand Russell,
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell]