n 1: an independent federal agency that administers compulsory
military service [syn: Selective Service, {Selective
Service System}, SSS]
podobné slovodefinícia
headmistressship, n:
site of special scientific interest sssi
site of special scientific interest SSSI,site of special scientific
interest[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
sssi site of special scientific interest
SSSI site of special scientific interest,site of special scientific
interest[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Burgess-ship \Bur"gess-ship\, n.
The state of privilege of a burgess. --South.
[1913 Webster]
cross-sectional \cross-sectional\ adj.
of or pertaining to a cross section; as, a cross-sectional
[WordNet 1.5] Cross-spale
Cross-spale \Cross"-spale`\ (-sp?l`), Cross-spall
\Cross"-spall`\ (-sp?l`), n. [See Spale & Spall.]
One of the temporary wooden braces, placed horizontally
across a frame to hold it in position until the deck beams
are in; a cross-pawl.
[1913 Webster]
Cross-spale \Cross"-spale`\ (-sp?l`), Cross-spall
\Cross"-spall`\ (-sp?l`), n. [See Spale & Spall.]
One of the temporary wooden braces, placed horizontally
across a frame to hold it in position until the deck beams
are in; a cross-pawl.
[1913 Webster]
Cross-springer \Cross"-spring`er\ (-spr?ng`?r), n. (Arch.)
One of the ribs in a groined arch, springing from the corners
in a diagonal direction.

Note: [See Illustr. of Groined vault.]
[1913 Webster]
Forestaff \Fore"staff`\, n. (Naut.)
An instrument formerly used at sea for taking the altitudes
of heavenly bodies, now superseded by the sextant; -- called
also cross-staff. --Brande & C.
[1913 Webster]Cross-staff \Cross"-staff`\ (-st?f`), n.
1. An instrument formerly used at sea for taking the
altitudes of celestial bodies.
[1913 Webster]

2. A surveyor's instrument for measuring offsets.
[1913 Webster]
Forestaff \Fore"staff`\, n. (Naut.)
An instrument formerly used at sea for taking the altitudes
of heavenly bodies, now superseded by the sextant; -- called
also cross-staff. --Brande & C.
[1913 Webster]Cross-staff \Cross"-staff`\ (-st?f`), n.
1. An instrument formerly used at sea for taking the
altitudes of celestial bodies.
[1913 Webster]

2. A surveyor's instrument for measuring offsets.
[1913 Webster]
Cross-stitch \Cross"-stitch`\ (-st?ch`; 224), n.
1. A form of stitch, where the stitches are diagonal and in
pairs, the thread of one stitch crossing that of the
other. "Tent and cross-stitch." --Sir W. Scott. --
Cross"-stitch`, v. t. & i.
[1913 Webster]

2. embroidery done in cross-stitch.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cross-stone \Cross"-stone`\ (-st?n`), n. (Min.)
See Harmotome, and Staurotide.
[1913 Webster]