- tvoj, váš, svojho, vášho, váš
thou \thou\ ([th]ou), pron. [Sing.: nom. Thou; poss. Thy
([th][imac]) or Thine ([th][imac]n); obj. Thee
([th][=e]). Pl.: nom. You (y[=oo]); poss. Your (y[=oo]r)
or Yours (y[=oo]rz); obj. You.] [OE. thou, [thorn]u, AS.
[eth][=u], [eth]u; akin to OS. & OFries. thu, G., Dan. & Sw.
du, Icel. [thorn][=u], Goth. [thorn]u, Russ. tui, Ir. & Gael.
tu, W. ti, L. tu, Gr. sy`, Dor. ty`, Skr. tvam. [root]185.
Cf. Thee, Thine, Te Deum.]
The second personal pronoun, in the singular number, denoting
the person addressed; thyself; the pronoun which is used in
addressing persons in the solemn or poetical style.
[1913 Webster]

Art thou he that should come? --Matt. xi. 3.
[1913 Webster]

Note: "In Old English, generally, thou is the language of a
lord to a servant, of an equal to an equal, and
expresses also companionship, love, permission,
defiance, scorn, threatening: whilst ye is the language
of a servant to a lord, and of compliment, and further
expresses honor, submission, or entreaty." --Skeat.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Thou is now sometimes used by the Friends, or Quakers,
in familiar discourse, though most of them corruptly
say thee instead of thou.
[1913 Webster]
You \You\ ([=u]), pron. [Possess. Your ([=u]r) or Yours
([=u]rz); dat. & obj. You.] [OE. you, eou, eow, dat. &
acc., AS. e['o]w, used as dat. & acc. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin
to OFries. iu, io, D. u, G. euch, OHG. iu, dat., iuwih, acc.,
Icel. y[eth]r, dat. & acc., Goth. izwis; of uncertain origin.
[root]189. Cf. Your.]
The pronoun of the second person, in the nominative, dative,
and objective case, indicating the person or persons
addressed. See the Note under Ye.
[1913 Webster]

Ye go to Canterbury; God you speed. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Good sir, I do in friendship counsel you
To leave this place. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

In vain you tell your parting lover
You wish fair winds may waft him over. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Though you is properly a plural, it is in all ordinary
discourse used also in addressing a single person, yet
properly always with a plural verb. "Are you he that
hangs the verses on the trees, wherein Rosalind is so
admired ?" --Shak. You and your are sometimes used
indefinitely, like we, they, one, to express persons
not specified. "The looks at a distance like a
new-plowed land; but as you come near it, you see
nothing but a long heap of heavy, disjointed clods."
--Addison. "Your medalist and critic are much nearer
related than the world imagine." --Addison. "It is
always pleasant to be forced to do what you wish to do,
but what, until pressed, you dare not attempt." --Hook.
You is often used reflexively for yourself of
yourselves. "Your highness shall repose you at the
tower." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Your \Your\ ([=u]r), pron. & a. [OE. your, [yogh]our, eowr,
eower, AS. e['o]wer, originally used as the gen. of ge,
g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iuwer your, OS. iuwar, D. uw, OHG.
iuw[=e]r, G. euer, Icel. y[eth]ar, Goth. izwara, izwar, and
E. you. [root]189. See You.]
The form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The possessive takes the form yours when the noun to
which it refers is not expressed, but implied; as, this
book is yours. "An old fellow of yours." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
beg your pardon
beg your pardon
- prepáčte
of your
of your
- vaša
- tvoj, váš, svojho, vášho, váš
- vy ste
- tvoj, váš
- sebe samému
- sebe samým
a feather in your cap
a feather in your cap,uznání za práci Zdeněk Brož
a penny for your thoughts
a penny for your thoughts,řekni mi co si myslíš Zdeněk Brož
a run for your money
a run for your money,oponent n: Zdeněk Broža run for your money,silná konkurence Zdeněk Brož
all by yourself
all by yourself,úplně sám Rostislav Svoboda
all your eggs in one basket
all your eggs in one basket,vsadit vše na jednu kartu Zdeněk Brož
an ace up your sleeve
an ace up your sleeve,trumf v rukávu Zdeněk Brož
another nail in your coffin
another nail in your coffin,další cigareta n: Zdeněk Brož
as plain as the nose on your face
as plain as the nose on your face,velmi jasný Zdeněk Brož
at your fingertips
at your fingertips,připravený k použití Zdeněk Brož
back on your feet
back on your feet,uzdravení z nemoci Zdeněk Brož
back yourself into a corner
back yourself into a corner,nemít šanci úniku Zdeněk Brož
bang for your buck
bang for your buck,zaplacená zábava n: Zdeněk Brož
bare your soul
bare your soul,mluvit o soukromí Zdeněk Brož
be your age!
be your age!,měj rozum!
be yourself
be yourself,seber se Zdeněk Brožbe yourself,vzmuž se Zdeněk Brož
beat your head against a stone wall
beat your head against a stone wall,chtít prorazit hlavou zeď Zdeněk
beat your time
beat your time,přebrat přítelkyni Zdeněk Brož
beg your pardon
beg your pardon,promiňte Zdeněk Brož
behind your back
behind your back,za zády Zdeněk Brož
bend your ear
bend your ear,poslouchej mě! Zdeněk Brož
bend your elbow
bend your elbow,vypít několik piv Zdeněk Brož
bite your tongue
bite your tongue,neříkej to! Zdeněk Brož
blow it out your ear
blow it out your ear,zapomeň na to Zdeněk Brož
blow your mind
blow your mind,okouzlit tě Zdeněk Brožblow your mind,šokovat tě Zdeněk Brož
blow your wad
blow your wad,utratit všechny peníze Zdeněk Brož
boggle your mind
boggle your mind,zmást tvou mysl Zdeněk Brož
brace yourself
brace yourself,podrž se [fráz.] např. "Guess who is coming to dinner?
Brace yourself - your long-lost brother." Pino
break your fall
break your fall,zpomalit pád Zdeněk Brož
break your heart
break your heart,zlomit ti srdce Zdeněk Brož
burn a hole in your pocket
burn a hole in your pocket,nutkání utrácet peníze Zdeněk Brož
burn your bridges
burn your bridges,spálit mosty Zdeněk Brožburn your bridges,vzdát se šance na návrat Zdeněk Brož
button your lip
button your lip,nikomu nic neříkej Zdeněk Brož
by the seat of your pants
by the seat of your pants,téměř bez peněz Zdeněk Brož
carry your weight
carry your weight,odpracovat svůj díl Zdeněk Brož
cast your vote
cast your vote,volit ve volbách Zdeněk Brož
cat got your tongue
cat got your tongue,nemáš jazyk? Zdeněk Brožcat got your tongue,proč nemluvíš Zdeněk Brož
catch your death
catch your death,silně se nachladit Zdeněk Brož
catch your eye
catch your eye,upoutat tvou pozornost n: Zdeněk Brož
change your mind
change your mind,změnit váš názor Zdeněk Brož
change your tune
change your tune,
check your bags
check your bags,
clean up your act
clean up your act,udělat něco znovu a lépe Zdeněk Brož
clean up your plate
clean up your plate,dojíst pokrm Zdeněk Brož
clear your head
clear your head,
come into your own
come into your own,nalézt svůj talent Zdeněk Brož
coming out of your yin yang
coming out of your yin yang,mít něčeho příliš Zdeněk Brož
cook your goose
cook your goose,zruinuje tě Zdeněk Brož
cool your heels
cool your heels,čekat na soud Zdeněk Brož
cop yourself on
cop yourself on,zamysli se nad sebou [slang.] irský slang Pino
count your chickens before they hatch
count your chickens before they hatch,spoléhat na plán Zdeněk Brož
cramp your style
cramp your style,způsobit ti problémy Zdeněk Brož
cry in your beer
cry in your beer,litovat se u piva n: Zdeněk Brož
cry your eyes out
cry your eyes out,vybrečet si oči Zdeněk Brož
curl your hair
curl your hair,šokovat tě Zdeněk Brož
cut your coat according to your cloth
cut your coat according to your cloth,utrácet jen podle svých
možností [fráz.] Pino
cut your own throat
cut your own throat,být svým nejhorším nepřítelem Zdeněk Brož
dampen your spirits
dampen your spirits,
did yourself proud
did yourself proud,
dig your own grave
dig your own grave,
dig yourself in
dig yourself in,
do your own thing
do your own thing,
do your part
do your part,
do your utmost
do your utmost,
do yourself proud
do yourself proud,
do-it-yourself,kutilský adj: Zdeněk Broždo-it-yourself,kutilství n: Zdeněk Broždo-it-yourself,ručně vyrobený Zdeněk Brož
do-it-yourselfer,udělej si sám Nijel