angina \an*gi"na\ ([a^]n*j[imac]"n[.a] or [a^]n"j[i^]*n[.a]), n.
[L., fr. angere to strangle, to choke. See anger, n.]
1. (Med.) Any inflammatory affection of the throat, as the
quinsy, malignant sore throat, croup, etc., especially
such as tends to produce suffocation, choking, or
shortness of breath. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any spasmodic severe suffocative pain.

3. (Med.) Angina pectoris.

Angina pectoris ([a^]n*j[imac]"n[.a] p[e^]k"t[-o]*r[i^]s),
Chest pain caused by myocardial ischemia precipitated by
exertion and relieved by rest. It is so called because the
pain is accompanied by a sense of suffocating contraction
or tightening of the lower part of the chest; -- called
also breast pang, spasm of the chest.
[1913 Webster + AS]
n 1: any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic
attacks of intense suffocative pain
2: a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to
reduced oxygen to the heart [syn: angina pectoris,
podobné slovodefinícia
angina pectoris
angina pectoris,angína pektoris
Angina pectoris
angina \an*gi"na\ ([a^]n*j[imac]"n[.a] or [a^]n"j[i^]*n[.a]), n.
[L., fr. angere to strangle, to choke. See anger, n.]
1. (Med.) Any inflammatory affection of the throat, as the
quinsy, malignant sore throat, croup, etc., especially
such as tends to produce suffocation, choking, or
shortness of breath. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any spasmodic severe suffocative pain.

3. (Med.) Angina pectoris.

Angina pectoris ([a^]n*j[imac]"n[.a] p[e^]k"t[-o]*r[i^]s),
Chest pain caused by myocardial ischemia precipitated by
exertion and relieved by rest. It is so called because the
pain is accompanied by a sense of suffocating contraction
or tightening of the lower part of the chest; -- called
also breast pang, spasm of the chest.
[1913 Webster + AS]
anginal \an"gi*nal\ ([a^]n"j[i^]*nal or [a^]n*j[imac]"nal), adj.
Of or pertaining to angina or angina pectoris.

Syn: anginal, anginose, anginous
[WordNet 1.5 + AS] anginose
angina pectoris
angina pectoris
n 1: a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to
reduced oxygen to the heart [syn: angina pectoris,
adj 1: of or related to the pain of angina pectoris [syn:
anginal, anginose, anginous]