- diagram
- diagram
- diagram
diagram,diagram n:
diagram,chartn: Zdeněk Brož
diagram,scheme Zdeněk Brož
Diagram \Di"a*gram\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to mark out by lines; dia`
through + ? to draw, write: cf. F. diagramme. See Graphic.]
1. (Geom.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a
statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific
purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers
to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an
artistical one.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator diagram. (Steam Engine) See Indicator card,
under indicator
[1913 Webster]
Diagram \Di"a*gram\, v. t.
To put into the form of a diagram.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a drawing intended to explain how something works; a
drawing showing the relation between the parts
v 1: make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows
interactions among variables or how something is
constructed [syn: diagram, plot]
podobné slovodefinícia
circuit diagram
circuit diagram,schéma obvodu n: [el.] Ivan Masár
diagrammatic,schematický adj: Zdeněk Brož
diagrammatical,diagramový adj: Zdeněk Brož
diagrammatically, adv:
diagramming, n:
diagrams,diagramy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
flow diagram
flow diagram,vývojový diagram
footprint diagram
footprint diagram,krokové schéma n: [hud.] Petr Tesařík
logic diagram
logic diagram, n:
logical diagram
logical diagram, n:
process flow diagram
process flow diagram,výrobní diagram [eko.] Schéma obsahující označená
políčka, zastupující jednotkové procesy, spojená šipkami popisující
vzájemné vztahy mezi jednotkovými procesy. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
radiation diagram
radiation diagram, n:
scatter diagram
scatter diagram,bodový graf n: Zdeněk Brožscatter diagram,tečkový graf n: Zdeněk Brož
static diagrams
static diagrams,statické grafy [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
tree diagram
tree diagram, n:
venn diagram
Venn diagram,množinový diagram Zdeněk BrožVenn diagram,Vennův diagram Zdeněk Brož
wiring diagram
wiring diagram, n:
diagramový,diagrammaticaladj: Zdeněk Brož
diagramy,chartsn: pl. Zdeněk Broždiagramy,diagramsn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
kruhový diagram
kruhový diagram,pie chart Nijel
množinový diagram
množinový diagram,Venn diagram Zdeněk Brož
rozhodovací diagram
rozhodovací diagram,flow chart[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
sloupcový diagram
sloupcový diagram,bar chart Zdeněk Brož
vennův diagram
Vennův diagram,Venn diagram Zdeněk Brož
výrobní diagram
výrobní diagram,process flow diagram[eko.] Schéma obsahující označená
políčka, zastupující jednotkové procesy, spojená šipkami popisující
vzájemné vztahy mezi jednotkovými procesy. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
vývojový diagram
vývojový diagram,flow chartn: [tech.] Petr Prášekvývojový diagram,flow diagram vývojový diagram,flowchartn: [tech.] Petr Prášek
Diagram \Di"a*gram\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to mark out by lines; dia`
through + ? to draw, write: cf. F. diagramme. See Graphic.]
1. (Geom.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a
statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific
purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers
to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an
artistical one.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator diagram. (Steam Engine) See Indicator card,
under indicator
[1913 Webster]Diagram \Di"a*gram\, v. t.
To put into the form of a diagram.
[1913 Webster]
Diagramma lineatum
Bodian \Bo"di*an\, n. (Zool.)
A large food fish (Diagramma lineatum), native of the East
[1913 Webster]
Diagrammatic \Di`a*gram*mat"ic\, a.
Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a diagram; showing by
diagram. -- Di`a*gram*mat"ic*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
diagrammatic diagrammatical
delineated \delineated\ adj.
1. represented accurately or precisely. [Narrower terms:
diagrammatic, diagrammatical; drawn; painted]
[WordNet 1.5]

2. described in words with sharpness and detail or with vivid
imagery. Opposite of undelineated.

Syn: represented, delineate.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Diagrammatic \Di`a*gram*mat"ic\, a.
Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a diagram; showing by
diagram. -- Di`a*gram*mat"ic*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
indicator diagram
Indicator \In"di*ca`tor\ ([i^]n"d[i^]*k[=a]`t[~e]r), n. [L.: cf.
F. indicateur.]
[1913 Webster]
1. One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare
indicator in a street car.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mach.) A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam
boiler; an apparatus or instrument for showing the working
of a machine or moving part; as:
(a) (Steam Engine) An instrument which draws a diagram
showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an
engine or pump at every point of the stroke. It
consists of a small cylinder communicating with the
engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the
varying pressure drives upward more or less against
the resistance of a spring. A lever imparts motion to
a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped
around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth
by a string connected with the piston rod of the
engine. See Indicator card (below).
(b) A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show,
at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft
of a mine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mech.) The part of an instrument by which an effect is
indicated, as an index or pointer.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied
genera. See Honey guide, under Honey.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Chem.) That which indicates the condition of acidity,
alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a
standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance,
or change of color, as in titration or volumetric
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common indicators are litmus, trop[ae]olin, phenol
phthalein, potassic permanganate, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator card, the figure drawn by an engine indicator, by
means of which the working of the engine can be
investigated and its power calculated. The Illustration
shows one form of indicator card, from a steam engine,
together with scales by which the pressure of the steam
above or below that of the atmosphere, corresponding to
any position of the engine piston in its stroke, can be
measured. Called also indicator diagram.

Indicator telegraph, a telegraph in which the signals are
the deflections of a magnetic needle, as in the
trans-Atlantic system.
[1913 Webster]Diagram \Di"a*gram\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to mark out by lines; dia`
through + ? to draw, write: cf. F. diagramme. See Graphic.]
1. (Geom.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a
statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific
purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers
to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an
artistical one.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator diagram. (Steam Engine) See Indicator card,
under indicator
[1913 Webster]
Indicator diagram
Indicator \In"di*ca`tor\ ([i^]n"d[i^]*k[=a]`t[~e]r), n. [L.: cf.
F. indicateur.]
[1913 Webster]
1. One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare
indicator in a street car.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mach.) A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam
boiler; an apparatus or instrument for showing the working
of a machine or moving part; as:
(a) (Steam Engine) An instrument which draws a diagram
showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an
engine or pump at every point of the stroke. It
consists of a small cylinder communicating with the
engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the
varying pressure drives upward more or less against
the resistance of a spring. A lever imparts motion to
a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped
around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth
by a string connected with the piston rod of the
engine. See Indicator card (below).
(b) A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show,
at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft
of a mine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mech.) The part of an instrument by which an effect is
indicated, as an index or pointer.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied
genera. See Honey guide, under Honey.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Chem.) That which indicates the condition of acidity,
alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a
standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance,
or change of color, as in titration or volumetric
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common indicators are litmus, trop[ae]olin, phenol
phthalein, potassic permanganate, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator card, the figure drawn by an engine indicator, by
means of which the working of the engine can be
investigated and its power calculated. The Illustration
shows one form of indicator card, from a steam engine,
together with scales by which the pressure of the steam
above or below that of the atmosphere, corresponding to
any position of the engine piston in its stroke, can be
measured. Called also indicator diagram.

Indicator telegraph, a telegraph in which the signals are
the deflections of a magnetic needle, as in the
trans-Atlantic system.
[1913 Webster]Diagram \Di"a*gram\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to mark out by lines; dia`
through + ? to draw, write: cf. F. diagramme. See Graphic.]
1. (Geom.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a
statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific
purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers
to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an
artistical one.
[1913 Webster]

Indicator diagram. (Steam Engine) See Indicator card,
under indicator
[1913 Webster]
block diagram
block diagram
n 1: a diagram showing the interconnections between the
components of system (especially an electronic system)
adj 1: shown or represented by diagrams [syn: diagrammatic,
adj 1: shown or represented by diagrams [syn: diagrammatic,
adv 1: in a diagrammatic manner; "the landscape unit drawn
diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief,
with a peat-filled basin" [syn: diagrammatically,
n 1: providing a chart or outline of a system [syn:
schematization, schematisation, diagramming]
flow diagram
flow diagram
n 1: a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer
program or an accounting system [syn: flow chart,
flowchart, flow diagram, flow sheet]
logic diagram
logic diagram
n 1: a graphical representation of a program using formal logic
[syn: logic diagram, logical diagram]
logical diagram
logical diagram
n 1: a graphical representation of a program using formal logic
[syn: logic diagram, logical diagram]
radiation diagram
radiation diagram
n 1: graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian
coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from
an antenna as a function of angle [syn: {radiation
pattern}, radiation diagram, pattern]
tree diagram
tree diagram
n 1: a figure that branches from a single root; "genealogical
tree" [syn: tree, tree diagram]
venn diagram
Venn diagram
n 1: a diagram that uses circles to represent mathematical or
logical sets pictorially inside a rectangle (the universal
set); elements that are common to more than one set are
represented by intersections of the circles [syn: {Venn
diagram}, Venn's diagram]