ensign,podporučík n: Zdeněk Brož
ensign,vlajka lodi Zdeněk Brož
ensign \en"sign\ ([e^]n"s[i^]n also [e^]n"s[imac]n, except for
4a), n. [L. enseigne, L. insignia, pl. of insigne a
distinctive mark, badge, flag; in + signum mark, sign. See
Sign, and cf. Insignia, 3d Ancient.]
1. A flag; a banner; a standard; esp., the national flag, or
a banner indicating nationality, carried by a ship or a
body of soldiers; -- as distinguished from flags
indicating divisions of the army, rank of naval officers,
or private signals, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

Hang up your ensigns, let your drums be still.
[1913 Webster]

2. A signal displayed like a standard, to give notice.
[1913 Webster]

He will lift an ensign to the nations from far.
--Is. v. 26.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sign; badge of office, rank, or power; symbol.
[1913 Webster]

The ensigns of our power about we bear. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]

(a) Formerly, a commissioned officer of the army who
carried the ensign or flag of a company or regiment.
(b) A commissioned officer of the lowest grade in the
navy, corresponding to the grade of second lieutenant
in the army. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the British army the rank of ensign was abolished in
1871. In the United States army the rank is not
recognized; the regimental flags being carried by a
sergeant called the color sergeant.
[1913 Webster]

Ensign bearer, one who carries a flag; an ensign.
[1913 Webster]
Ensign \En"sign\, v. t.
1. To designate as by an ensign. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Henry but joined the roses that ensigned
Particular families. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. To distinguish by a mark or ornament; esp. (Her.), by a
crown; thus, any charge which has a crown immediately
above or upon it, is said to be ensigned.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a person who holds a commissioned rank in the United States
Navy or the United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant
junior grade
2: an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality [syn: {national
flag}, ensign]
3: colors flown by a ship to show its nationality
podobné slovodefinícia
ensign \en"sign\ ([e^]n"s[i^]n also [e^]n"s[imac]n, except for
4a), n. [L. enseigne, L. insignia, pl. of insigne a
distinctive mark, badge, flag; in + signum mark, sign. See
Sign, and cf. Insignia, 3d Ancient.]
1. A flag; a banner; a standard; esp., the national flag, or
a banner indicating nationality, carried by a ship or a
body of soldiers; -- as distinguished from flags
indicating divisions of the army, rank of naval officers,
or private signals, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

Hang up your ensigns, let your drums be still.
[1913 Webster]

2. A signal displayed like a standard, to give notice.
[1913 Webster]

He will lift an ensign to the nations from far.
--Is. v. 26.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sign; badge of office, rank, or power; symbol.
[1913 Webster]

The ensigns of our power about we bear. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]

(a) Formerly, a commissioned officer of the army who
carried the ensign or flag of a company or regiment.
(b) A commissioned officer of the lowest grade in the
navy, corresponding to the grade of second lieutenant
in the army. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the British army the rank of ensign was abolished in
1871. In the United States army the rank is not
recognized; the regimental flags being carried by a
sergeant called the color sergeant.
[1913 Webster]

Ensign bearer, one who carries a flag; an ensign.
[1913 Webster]Ensign \En"sign\, v. t.
1. To designate as by an ensign. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Henry but joined the roses that ensigned
Particular families. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. To distinguish by a mark or ornament; esp. (Her.), by a
crown; thus, any charge which has a crown immediately
above or upon it, is said to be ensigned.
[1913 Webster]
Ensign bearer
ensign \en"sign\ ([e^]n"s[i^]n also [e^]n"s[imac]n, except for
4a), n. [L. enseigne, L. insignia, pl. of insigne a
distinctive mark, badge, flag; in + signum mark, sign. See
Sign, and cf. Insignia, 3d Ancient.]
1. A flag; a banner; a standard; esp., the national flag, or
a banner indicating nationality, carried by a ship or a
body of soldiers; -- as distinguished from flags
indicating divisions of the army, rank of naval officers,
or private signals, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

Hang up your ensigns, let your drums be still.
[1913 Webster]

2. A signal displayed like a standard, to give notice.
[1913 Webster]

He will lift an ensign to the nations from far.
--Is. v. 26.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sign; badge of office, rank, or power; symbol.
[1913 Webster]

The ensigns of our power about we bear. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]

(a) Formerly, a commissioned officer of the army who
carried the ensign or flag of a company or regiment.
(b) A commissioned officer of the lowest grade in the
navy, corresponding to the grade of second lieutenant
in the army. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the British army the rank of ensign was abolished in
1871. In the United States army the rank is not
recognized; the regimental flags being carried by a
sergeant called the color sergeant.
[1913 Webster]

Ensign bearer, one who carries a flag; an ensign.
[1913 Webster]
Ensigncy \En"sign*cy\ (?; 277), n.; pl. Ensigncies.
The rank or office of an ensign.
[1913 Webster]
Ensigncy \En"sign*cy\ (?; 277), n.; pl. Ensigncies.
The rank or office of an ensign.
[1913 Webster]
Ensignship \En"sign*ship\, n.
The state or rank of an ensign.
[1913 Webster]