Gomer \Go"mer\, n.
A Hebrew measure. See Homer.
[1913 Webster]
Gomer \Go"mer\, n. (Gun.)
A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy
ordnance, especially in mortars; -- named after the inventor.
[1913 Webster]
Homer \Ho"mer\, n. [Heb. kh[=o]mer.]
A Hebrew measure containing, as a liquid measure, ten baths,
equivalent to fifty-five gallons, two quarts, one pint; and,
as a dry measure, ten ephahs, equivalent to six bushels, two
pecks, four quarts. [Written also chomer, gomer.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Montgomery,hl.m. - Alabama v USA n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
překladMontgomery,Montgomery n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Montgomery,Montgomeryn: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Gomer \Go"mer\, n.
A Hebrew measure. See Homer.
[1913 Webster]Gomer \Go"mer\, n. (Gun.)
A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy
ordnance, especially in mortars; -- named after the inventor.
[1913 Webster]Homer \Ho"mer\, n. [Heb. kh[=o]mer.]
A Hebrew measure containing, as a liquid measure, ten baths,
equivalent to fifty-five gallons, two quarts, one pint; and,
as a dry measure, ten ephahs, equivalent to six bushels, two
pecks, four quarts. [Written also chomer, gomer.]
[1913 Webster]
oligomer \o*lig"o*mer\, n. (Chem.)
A molecule composed of a small number of linked monomer
units; a short polymer; -- compounds called oligomers have
less than one hundred monomer units and usually less than
thirty. Oligomers of increasing length are called dimer,
trimer, tetramer, pentamer, hexamer, heptamer,
octamer, nonamer, decamer, etc. In colloquial
laboratory jargon, they may also be referred to as
nine-mer, ten-mer, eleven-mer, twelve-mer, etc.,
especially for oligomers of greater than eight units.
Oligomerous \Ol`i*gom"er*ous\, a. [Oligo- + Gr. me`ros part.]
Having few members in each set of organs; as, an oligomerous
[1913 Webster]
1st viscount montgomery of alamein
1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
n 1: English general during World War II; won victories over
Rommel in North Africa and led British ground forces in the
invasion of Normandy (1887-1976) [syn: Montgomery,
Bernard Law Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law Montgomery,
1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein]
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n 1: United States businessman who in 1872 established a
successful mail-order business (1843-1913) [syn: Ward,
Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward]
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Bernard Law Montgomery
n 1: English general during World War II; won victories over
Rommel in North Africa and led British ground forces in the
invasion of Normandy (1887-1976) [syn: Montgomery,
Bernard Law Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law Montgomery,
1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein]
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L. M. Montgomery
n 1: Canadian novelist (1874-1942) [syn: Montgomery, {L. M.
Montgomery}, Lucy Maud Montgomery]
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Lucy Maud Montgomery
n 1: Canadian novelist (1874-1942) [syn: Montgomery, {L. M.
Montgomery}, Lucy Maud Montgomery]
n 1: Canadian novelist (1874-1942) [syn: Montgomery, {L. M.
Montgomery}, Lucy Maud Montgomery]
2: English general during World War II; won victories over
Rommel in North Africa and led British ground forces in the
invasion of Normandy (1887-1976) [syn: Montgomery, {Bernard
Law Montgomery}, Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, {1st Viscount
Montgomery of Alamein}]
3: the state capital of Alabama on the Mobile River [syn:
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Montgomery Ward
n 1: United States businessman who in 1872 established a
successful mail-order business (1843-1913) [syn: Ward,
Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward]