markup,značkovací n: [it.]
markup \markup\ n.
1. (Commerce) The amount added to the cost to determine the
asking price.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (printing) Instructions for the typesetter that are
written on the copy (e.g. underlining words that are to be
set in italics).
[WordNet 1.5]

3. (Legislation) Changes in proposed legislation drafted in
conference, as contrasted with changes resulting from the
amendment process.
n 1: the amount added to the cost to determine the asking price
2: detailed stylistic instructions for typesetting something
that is to be printed; manual markup is usually written on
the copy (e.g. underlining words that are to be set in

In computerised document preparation, a method of adding
information to the text to indicate the logical components of a
document, instructions for layout of the text on the page or other
information which can be interpreted by some automatic system.

For example, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) adds tags to the
text to indicate the appearance and behaviour it should have when
displayed by a web browser. E.g.:

This is bold text.

This is a link to FOLDOC.

Other examples of markup languages are troff, SGML (on which
HTML was based) and XML.

podobné slovodefinícia
hypertext markup language
hypertext markup language, n:
markup language
markup language,značkovací jazyk [it.]
standard generalized markup language
standard generalized markup language, n:
extensible hypertext markup language
EXtensible HyperText Markup Language,XHTML[zkr.] [it.] hypertextový
značkovací jazyk, aplikace XML, náhrada za HTML, podobnost s HTML
4.01 mamm
extensible markup language
eXtensible Markup Language,XML[zkr.] [it.] hypertextový značkovací jazyk
odvozený z SGML mamm
hyper text markup language
Hyper Text Markup Language,HTML[zkr.]
standardized general markup language
Standardized General Markup Language,SGML[zkr.]
hypertext markup language
hypertext markup language
n 1: a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them
in developing hypertext documents [syn: {hypertext markup
language}, hypertext mark-up language, HTML]
markup language
markup language
n 1: a set of symbols and rules for their use when doing a
markup of a document
standard generalized markup language
standard generalized markup language
n 1: (computer science) a standardized language for the
descriptive markup of documents; a set of rules for using
whatever markup vocabulary is adopted [syn: {standard
generalized markup language}, SGML]
coldfusion markup language
ColdFusion Markup Language

(CFML) A tag based markup
language used to create ColdFusion web applications by
embedding ColdFusion commands in HTML files.

extensible hypertext markup language
Extensible HyperText Markup Language

(XHTML) A reformulation
of HTML 4.01 in XML. Being XML means that XHTML can be
viewed, edited, and validated with standard XML tools. At the
same time, it operates as well as or better than HTML 4 in
existing HTML 4 conforming user agents.

The most important change is that all elements must be
terminated, either with a closing tag or using the
shorthand. So, instead of

you would write

The space before the "/" is required by some older browsers.
Other differences are that tag and attribute names should be
lower case and all attributes should be quoted.

XHTML Home (

{Quick Summary

extensible markup language
Extensible Markup Language

(XML) An initiative from the W3C defining
an "extremely simple" dialect of SGML suitable for use on
the web.


[Relationship to the XSL forthcoming subset of DSSSL?]

generic markup
generic markup

In computerised document preparation, a method of
adding information to the text indicating the logical
components of a document, such as paragraphs, headers or
footnotes. SGML is an example of such a system. Specific
instructions for layout of the text on the page do not appear
in the markup.

hypertext markup language
Hypertext Markup Language

(HTML) A hypertext
document format used on the web. HTML is built
on top of SGML. "Tags" are embedded in the text. A tag
consists of a "". Matched pairs of directives, like
"" and "" are used to delimit text which is to
appear in a special place or style.

Links to other documents are in the form


where "" and "" delimit an "anchor", "href" introduces
a hypertext reference, which is most often a {Uniform Resource
Locator} (URL) (the string in double quotes in the example
above). The link will be represented in the browser by the
text "foo" (typically shown underlined and in a different

A certain place within an HTML document can be marked with a
named anchor, e.g.:

The "fragment identifier", "baz", can be used in an href by
appending "#baz" to the document name.

Other common tags include for a new paragraph, ..
for bold text, for an unnumbered list, for
preformated text, , .. for headings.

HTML supports some standard SGML national characters and
other non-ASCII characters through special {escape
sequences}, e.g. "é" for a lower case 'e' with an acute
accent. You can sometimes get away without the terminating
semicolon but it's bad style.

Most systems will ignore the case of tags and attributes but
lower case should be used for compatibility with XHTML.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the international
standards body for HTML.


{Character escape sequences

See also weblint.

specific markup
specific markup

In computerised document preparation, a method of adding
formatting commands to the text to control layout, such as new
line, new page, centre text etc.

Compare generic markup.

standard generalised markup language
Standard Generalised Markup Language

ISO spell it "{Standard Generalized Markup

standard generalized markup language
Standard Generalized Markup Language

(SGML) A generic markup language for
representing documents. SGML is an International Standard
that describes the relationship between a document's content
and its structure. SGML allows document-based information to
be shared and re-used across applications and computer
platforms in an open, vendor-neutral format. SGML is
sometimes compared to SQL, in that it enables companies to
structure information in documents in an open fashion, so that
it can be accessed or re-used by any SGML-aware application
across multiple platforms.

SGML is defined in "ISO 8879:1986 Information processing --
Text and office systems -- Standard Generalized Markup
Language (SGML)", an ISO standard produced by JTC 1/SC 18
and amended by "Amendment 1:1988".

Unlike other common document file formats that represent both
content and presentation, SGML represents a document's content
data and structure (interrelationships among the data).
Removing the presentation from content establishes a neutral
format. SGML documents and the information in them can easily
be re-used by publishing and non-publishing applications.

SGML identifies document elements such as titles, paragraphs,
tables, and chapters as distinct objects, allowing users to
define the relationships between the objects for structuring
data in documents. The relationships between document
elements are defined in a Document Type Definition (DTD).
This is roughly analogous to a collection of field
definitions in a database. Once a document is converted
into SGML and the information has been 'tagged', it becomes a
database-like document. It can be searched, printed or even
programmatically manipulated by SGML-aware applications.

Companies are moving their documents into SGML for several

Reuse - separation of content from presentation facilitates
multiple delivery formats like CD-ROM and {electronic

Portability - SGML is an international, platform-independent,
standard based on ASCII text, so companies can safely store
their documents in SGML without being tied to any one vendor.

Interchange - SGML is a core data standard that enables
SGML-aware applications to inter-operate and share data

A central SGML document store can feed multiple processes in a
company, so managing and updating information is greatly
simplified. For example, when an aeroplane is delivered to a
customer, it comes with thousands of pages of documentation.
Distributing these on paper is expensive, so companies are
investigating publishing on CD-ROM. If a maintenance person
needs a guide for adjusting a plane's flight surfaces, a
viewing tool automatically assembles the relevant information
from the document repository as a complete document. SGML
can be used to define attributes to information stored in
documents such as security levels.

There are few clear leaders in the SGML industry which, in
1993, was estimated to be worth US $520 million and is
projected to grow to over US $1.46 billion by 1998.

A wide variety tools can be used to create SGML systems. The
SGML industry can be separated into the following categories:

Mainstream Authoring consists of the key word processing
vendors like Lotus, WordPerfect and Microsoft.

SGML Editing and Publishing includes traditional SGML
authoring tools like ArborText, Interleaf, FrameBuilder
and SoftQuad Author/Editor.

SGML Conversions is one of the largest sectors in the market
today because many companies are converting legacy data from
mainframes, or documents created with mainstream word
processors, into SGML.

Electronic Delivery is widely regarded as the most compelling
reason companies are moving to SGML. Electronic delivery
enables users to retrieve information on-line using an
intelligent document viewer.

Document Management may one day drive a major part of the
overall SGML industry.

SGML Document Repositories is one of the cornerstone
technologies that will affect the progress of SGML as a data

Since 1998, almost all development in SGML has been focussed
on XML - a simple (and therefore easier to understand and
implement) subset of SGML.

{"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"
(} defines some
characters. [How are these related to ISO 8859-1?].

ISO catalogue entry (

SGML parsers are available from
VU, NL (,
FSU (,
UIO, Norway (

See also sgmls.

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.text.sgml.

["The SGML Handbook", Charles F. Goldfarb, Clarendon Press,
1991, ISBN 0198537379. (Full text of the ISO standard plus
extensive commentary and cross-referencing. Somewhat cheaper
than the ISO document)].

["SGML - The User's Guide to ISO 8879", J.M. Smith et al,
Ellis Harwood, 1988].

[Example of some SGML?]
