- majstrovský, majster, pán, šéf, riaditeľ školy, víťaz,
master,hlavní adj: Zdeněk Brož
master,matrice n: Zdeněk Brož
master,mistr n: Zdeněk Brož
master,profesor n: Zdeněk Brož
master,převládající adj: Zdeněk Brož
master,vedoucí adj: Zdeněk Brož
master,zvládnout v: Zdeněk Brož
Master \Mas"ter\ (m[.a]s"t[~e]r), n. [OE. maistre, maister, OF.
maistre, mestre, F. ma[^i]tre, fr. L. magister, orig. a
double comparative from the root of magnus great, akin to Gr.
me`gas. Cf. Maestro, Magister, Magistrate, Magnitude,
Major, Mister, Mistress, Mickle.]
1. A male person having another living being so far subject
to his will, that he can, in the main, control his or its
actions; -- formerly used with much more extensive
application than now.
(a) The employer of a servant.
(b) The owner of a slave.
(c) The person to whom an apprentice is articled.
(d) A sovereign, prince, or feudal noble; a chief, or one
exercising similar authority.
(e) The head of a household.
(f) The male head of a school or college.
(g) A male teacher.
(h) The director of a number of persons performing a
ceremony or sharing a feast.
(i) The owner of a docile brute, -- especially a dog or
(j) The controller of a familiar spirit or other
supernatural being.
[1913 Webster]

2. One who uses, or controls at will, anything inanimate; as,
to be master of one's time. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Master of a hundred thousand drachms. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

We are masters of the sea. --Jowett
[1913 Webster]

3. One who has attained great skill in the use or application
of anything; as, a master of oratorical art.
[1913 Webster]

Great masters of ridicule. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

No care is taken to improve young men in their own
language, that they may thoroughly understand and be
masters of it. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

4. A title given by courtesy, now commonly pronounced
m[i^]ster, except when given to boys; -- sometimes written
Mister, but usually abbreviated to Mr.
[1913 Webster]

5. A young gentleman; a lad, or small boy.
[1913 Webster]

Where there are little masters and misses in a
house, they are impediments to the diversions of the
servants. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Naut.) The commander of a merchant vessel; -- usually
called captain. Also, a commissioned officer in the navy
ranking next above ensign and below lieutenant; formerly,
an officer on a man-of-war who had immediate charge, under
the commander, of sailing the vessel.
[1913 Webster]

7. A person holding an office of authority among the
Freemasons, esp. the presiding officer; also, a person
holding a similar office in other civic societies.
[1913 Webster]

Little masters, certain German engravers of the 16th
century, so called from the extreme smallness of their

Master in chancery, an officer of courts of equity, who
acts as an assistant to the chancellor or judge, by
inquiring into various matters referred to him, and
reporting thereon to the court.

Master of arts, one who takes the second degree at a
university; also, the degree or title itself, indicated by
the abbreviation M. A., or A. M.

Master of the horse, the third great officer in the British
court, having the management of the royal stables, etc. In
ceremonial cavalcades he rides next to the sovereign.

Master of the rolls, in England, an officer who has charge
of the rolls and patents that pass the great seal, and of
the records of the chancery, and acts as assistant judge
of the court. --Bouvier. --Wharton.

Past master,
(a) one who has held the office of master in a lodge of
Freemasons or in a society similarly organized.
(b) a person who is unusually expert, skilled, or
experienced in some art, technique, or profession; --
usually used with at or of.

The old masters, distinguished painters who preceded modern
painters; especially, the celebrated painters of the 16th
and 17th centuries.

To be master of one's self, to have entire self-control;
not to be governed by passion.

To be one's own master, to be at liberty to act as one
chooses without dictation from anybody.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Master, signifying chief, principal, masterly,
superior, thoroughly skilled, etc., is often used
adjectively or in compounds; as, master builder or
master-builder, master chord or master-chord, master
mason or master-mason, master workman or
master-workman, master mechanic, master mind, master
spirit, master passion, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Throughout the city by the master gate.
[1913 Webster]

Master joint (Geol.), a quarryman's term for the more
prominent and extended joints traversing a rock mass.

Master key, a key adapted to open several locks differing
somewhat from each other; figuratively, a rule or
principle of general application in solving difficulties.

Master lode (Mining), the principal vein of ore.

Master mariner, an experienced and skilled seaman who is
certified to be competent to command a merchant vessel.

Master sinew (Far.), a large sinew that surrounds the hough
of a horse, and divides it from the bone by a hollow
place, where the windgalls are usually seated.

Master singer. See Mastersinger.

Master stroke, a capital performance; a masterly
achievement; a consummate action; as, a master stroke of

Master tap (Mech.), a tap for forming the thread in a screw
cutting die.

Master touch.
(a) The touch or skill of a master. --Pope.
(b) Some part of a performance which exhibits very
skillful work or treatment. "Some master touches of
this admirable piece." --Tatler.

Master work, the most important work accomplished by a
skilled person, as in architecture, literature, etc.;
also, a work which shows the skill of a master; a

Master workman, a man specially skilled in any art,
handicraft, or trade, or who is an overseer, foreman, or
[1913 Webster]
Master \Mast"er\, n. (Naut.)
A vessel having (so many) masts; -- used only in compounds;
as, a two-master.
[1913 Webster]
Master \Mas"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mastered; p. pr. vb. n.
1. To become the master of; to subject to one's will,
control, or authority; to conquer; to overpower; to
[1913 Webster]

Obstinacy and willful neglects must be mastered,
even though it cost blows. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

2. To gain the command of, so as to understand or apply; to
become an adept in; as, to master a science.
[1913 Webster]

3. To own; to posses. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

The wealth
That the world masters. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Master \Mas"ter\, v. i.
To be skillful; to excel. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the
main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of
America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were
primary targets"; "the master bedroom"; "a master switch"
[syn: chief(a), main(a), primary(a),
principal(a), master(a)]
n 1: an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin";
"one of the old masters" [syn: maestro, master]
2: a person who has general authority over others [syn:
overlord, master, lord]
3: a combatant who is able to defeat rivals [syn: victor,
master, superior]
4: directs the work of others
5: presiding officer of a school [syn: headmaster,
schoolmaster, master]
6: an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which
copies can be made [syn: master, master copy, original]
7: an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship [syn:
master, captain, sea captain, skipper]
8: someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
9: an authority qualified to teach apprentices [syn: master,
10: key that secures entrance everywhere [syn: passkey,
passe-partout, master key, master]
v 1: be or become completely proficient or skilled in; "She
mastered Japanese in less than two years" [syn: master,
get the hang]
2: get on top of; deal with successfully; "He overcame his
shyness" [syn: overcome, get over, subdue, surmount,
3: have dominance or the power to defeat over; "Her pain
completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the
problems" [syn: dominate, master]
4: have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do
you control these data?" [syn: master, control]
botnet herder

The owner of a bot.

MASTER. This word has several meanings. 1. Master is one who has control
over a servant or apprentice. A master stands in relation to his
apprentices, in loco parentis, and is bound to fulfill that relation, which
the law generally enforces. He is also entitled to be obeyed by his
apprentices, as if they were his children. Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t.
2.-2. Master is one who is employed in teaching children, known
generally as a schoolmaster; as to his powers, see Correction.
3.-3. Master is the name of an officer: as, the ship Benjamin
Franklin, whereof A B is master; the master of the rolls; master in
chancery, &c.
4.-4. By master is also understood a principal who employs another to
perform some act or do something for him. The law having adopted the maxim
of the civil law, qui facit per alium facit per se; the agent is but an
instrument, and the master is civilly responsible for the act of his agent,
as if it were his own, when he either commands him to do an act, or puts him
in a condition, of which such act is a result, or by the absence of due care
and control, either previously in the choice of his agent, or immediately in
the act itself, negligently suffers him to do an injury. Story, Ag. Sec.
454, note; Noy's Max. c. 44; Salk. 282; 1 East. R. 106; 1 Bos. & Pul. 404; 2
H. Bl. 267; 5 Barn. & Cr. 547; 2 Taunt. R. 314; 4 Taunt. R. 649; Mass. 364,
385; 17 Mass. 479, 509; 1 Pick. 47 5; 4 Watts, 222; 2 Harr. & Gill., 316; 6
Cowen, 189; 8 Pick. 23; 5 Munf. 483. Vide Agent; Agency; Driver; Servant.

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