- hranol
prism,hranol n: [mat.]
Prism \Prism\ (pr[i^]z'm), n. [L. prisma, Gr. pri`sma, fr.
pri`zein, pri`ein, to saw: cf. F. prisme.]
1. (Geom.) A solid whose bases or ends are any similar,
equal, and parallel plane figures, and whose sides are
[1913 Webster]

Note: Prisms of different forms are often named from the
figure of their bases; as, a triangular prism, a
quadrangular prism, a rhombic prism, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Opt.) A transparent body, with usually three rectangular
plane faces or sides, and two equal and parallel
triangular ends or bases; -- used in experiments on
refraction, dispersion, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallog.) A form the planes of which are parallel to
the vertical axis. See Form, n., 13.
[1913 Webster]

Achromatic prism (Opt.), a prism composed usually of two
prisms of different transparent substances which have
unequal dispersive powers, as two different kinds of
glass, especially flint glass and crown glass, the
difference of dispersive power being compensated by giving
them different refracting angles, so that, when placed
together so as to have opposite relative positions, a ray
of light passed through them is refracted or bent into a
new position, but is free from color.

Nicol's prism, Nicol prism. [So called from Wm. Nicol, of
Edinburgh, who first proposed it.] (Opt.) An instrument
for experiments in polarization, consisting of a rhomb of
Iceland spar, which has been bisected obliquely at a
certain angle, and the two parts again joined with
transparent cement, so that the ordinary image produced by
double refraction is thrown out of the field by total
reflection from the internal cemented surface, and the
extraordinary, or polarized, image alone is transmitted.
[1913 Webster] Prismatic
n 1: a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the
bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms
2: optical device having a triangular shape and made of glass or
quartz; used to deviate a beam or invert an image [syn:
prism, optical prism]

A distributed logic language.

["PRISM: A Parallel Inference System for Problem Solving",
S. Kasif et al, Proc 1983 Logic Prog Workshop, pp. 123-152].
Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessing
Portable, Reusable, Integrated Software Modules
PRogrammed Integrated System Maintenance
podobné slovodefinícia
erecting prism
erecting prism, n:
optical prism
optical prism, n:
prism spectroscope
prism spectroscope, n:
prismatic,prizmatický adj: Zdeněk Brožprismatic,spektrální adj: Zdeněk Brož
prismatoid, n:
prismoid, n:
quadrangular prism
quadrangular prism, n:
triangular prism
triangular prism, n:
Achromatic prism
Prism \Prism\ (pr[i^]z'm), n. [L. prisma, Gr. pri`sma, fr.
pri`zein, pri`ein, to saw: cf. F. prisme.]
1. (Geom.) A solid whose bases or ends are any similar,
equal, and parallel plane figures, and whose sides are
[1913 Webster]

Note: Prisms of different forms are often named from the
figure of their bases; as, a triangular prism, a
quadrangular prism, a rhombic prism, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Opt.) A transparent body, with usually three rectangular
plane faces or sides, and two equal and parallel
triangular ends or bases; -- used in experiments on
refraction, dispersion, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallog.) A form the planes of which are parallel to
the vertical axis. See Form, n., 13.
[1913 Webster]

Achromatic prism (Opt.), a prism composed usually of two
prisms of different transparent substances which have
unequal dispersive powers, as two different kinds of
glass, especially flint glass and crown glass, the
difference of dispersive power being compensated by giving
them different refracting angles, so that, when placed
together so as to have opposite relative positions, a ray
of light passed through them is refracted or bent into a
new position, but is free from color.

Nicol's prism, Nicol prism. [So called from Wm. Nicol, of
Edinburgh, who first proposed it.] (Opt.) An instrument
for experiments in polarization, consisting of a rhomb of
Iceland spar, which has been bisected obliquely at a
certain angle, and the two parts again joined with
transparent cement, so that the ordinary image produced by
double refraction is thrown out of the field by total
reflection from the internal cemented surface, and the
extraordinary, or polarized, image alone is transmitted.
[1913 Webster] PrismaticAchromatic \Ach`ro*mat"ic\, a. [Gr. 'achrw`matos colorless; 'a
priv. + chrw^ma, chrw`matos, color: cf. F. achromatique.]
1. (Opt.) Free from color; transmitting light without
decomposing it into its primary colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; --
said of tissue.
[1913 Webster]

Achromatic lens (Opt.), a lens composed usually of two
separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances
having different refractive and dispersive powers, as
crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted
that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is
corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound
lens undecomposed.

Achromatic prism. See Prism.

Achromatic telescope, or microscope, one in which the
chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a
compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives
images free from extraneous color.
[1913 Webster]
Biprism \Bi"prism\, n. [Pref. bi- + prism.]
1. A prism whose refracting angle is very nearly 180 degrees.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A combination of two short rectangular glass prisms
cemented together at their diagonal faces so as to form a
cube; -- called also optical cube. It is used in one
form of photometer.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Diprismatic \Di`pris*mat"ic\, a. [Prefix di- + prismatic.]
Doubly prismatic.
[1913 Webster]
I prismatica
Flower-de-luce \Flow"er-de-luce"\, n. [Corrupted fr.
fleur-de-lis.] (Bot.)
A genus of perennial herbs (Iris) with swordlike leaves and
large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but
probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the
north temperate zone. Some of the best known are {Iris
Germanica}, I. Florentina, I. Persica, {I.
sambucina}, and the American I. versicolor, {I.
prismatica}, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Macroprism \Mac"ro*prism\, n. [Macro- + prism.] (Crystallog.)
A prism of an orthorhombic crystal between the macropinacoid
and the unit prism; the corresponding pyramids are called
[1913 Webster]
Nicol prism
Prism \Prism\ (pr[i^]z'm), n. [L. prisma, Gr. pri`sma, fr.
pri`zein, pri`ein, to saw: cf. F. prisme.]
1. (Geom.) A solid whose bases or ends are any similar,
equal, and parallel plane figures, and whose sides are
[1913 Webster]

Note: Prisms of different forms are often named from the
figure of their bases; as, a triangular prism, a
quadrangular prism, a rhombic prism, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Opt.) A transparent body, with usually three rectangular
plane faces or sides, and two equal and parallel
triangular ends or bases; -- used in experiments on
refraction, dispersion, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallog.) A form the planes of which are parallel to
the vertical axis. See Form, n., 13.
[1913 Webster]

Achromatic prism (Opt.), a prism composed usually of two
prisms of different transparent substances which have
unequal dispersive powers, as two different kinds of
glass, especially flint glass and crown glass, the
difference of dispersive power being compensated by giving
them different refracting angles, so that, when placed
together so as to have opposite relative positions, a ray
of light passed through them is refracted or bent into a
new position, but is free from color.

Nicol's prism, Nicol prism. [So called from Wm. Nicol, of
Edinburgh, who first proposed it.] (Opt.) An instrument
for experiments in polarization, consisting of a rhomb of
Iceland spar, which has been bisected obliquely at a
certain angle, and the two parts again joined with
transparent cement, so that the ordinary image produced by
double refraction is thrown out of the field by total
reflection from the internal cemented surface, and the
extraordinary, or polarized, image alone is transmitted.
[1913 Webster] Prismatic