reduction,pokles Pavel Machek; Giza
reduction,snížení Pavel Machek; Giza
reduction,zmenšení n: Zdeněk Brož
Reduction \Re*duc"tion\ (r[-e]*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [F.
r['e]duction, L. reductio. See Reduce.]
1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion
to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as,
the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things
to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the
reduction of a rebellious province.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arith. & Alg.) The act or process of reducing. See
Reduce, v. t., 6. and To reduce an equation, {To
reduce an expression}, under Reduce, v. t.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) The correction of observations for known errors of
instruments, etc.
(b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of
observations in order to deduce a general result.
[1913 Webster]

4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure,
design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the
proper proportions. --Fairholt.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the
so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of
reducing[7]; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the
reduction of an aldehyde into an alcohol.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or
fractured part to its former place.
[1913 Webster]

Reduction ascending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination,
as cents to dollars.

Reduction descending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination,
as dollars to cents.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment;
subjugation; conquest; subjection.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the act of decreasing or reducing something [syn:
decrease, diminution, reduction, step-down] [ant:
increase, step-up]
2: any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion
(as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs
accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent [syn:
reduction, reducing]
3: the act of reducing complexity [syn: reduction,

(Or "contraction") The process of transforming an expression
according to certain reduction rules. The most important
forms are beta reduction (application of a {lambda
abstraction} to one or more argument expressions) and {delta
reduction} (application of a mathematical function to the
required number of arguments).

An evaluation strategy (or reduction strategy), determines
which part of an expression (which redex) to reduce first.
There are many such strategies.

See graph reduction, string reduction, {normal order
reduction}, applicative order reduction, {parallel
reduction}, alpha conversion, beta conversion, {delta
conversion}, eta conversion.

podobné slovodefinícia
price reduction
price reduction
- zľava
bubble policy of emission reduction
bubble policy of emission reduction,redukce emisí pomocí bublinové
politiky [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
combined accident reduction effort
Combined Accident Reduction Effort,název programu pro snížení
nehodovosti na amerických silnicích Jiří Šmoldas
debt and debt service reduction
debt and debt service reduction,
debt reduction facility for ida only countries
Debt Reduction Facility for IDA Only Countries,
debt-reduction fund
debt-reduction fund,
debt-reduction operations
debt-reduction operations,
deficit reduction package
deficit reduction package,
emission reduction
emission reduction, charges,redukce emisí, poplatky [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskačemission reduction, command and control approach,redukce emisí,
direktivní přístup [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, cost effective policies,redukce emisí, politika
nákladové efektivnosti [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, credit,redukce emisí, dobropis [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskačemission reduction, excess emission formula,redukce emisí, vzorec pro
nadměrné emise [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, fees,redukce emisí, poplatky [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskačemission reduction, lowest achievable rate.,redukce emisí, nejnižší
dosažitelná míra [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, netting,redukce emisí, netting [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskačemission reduction, noncompliance penalty,redukce emisí, pokuta za
nesplnění [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, offset policy,redukce emisí, politika
překryvu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačemission reduction, standards,redukce emisí, standardy
(limity) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
emmision reduction
emmision reduction,redukce emisí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
excess emission reduction subsidy
excess emission reduction subsidy,přebytek subvence za snížení
emisí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
front-loaded interest reduction bond
front-loaded interest reduction bond,
ida debt reduction facility
IDA Debt Reduction Facility,
interest reduction bond
interest reduction bond,
market-based debt reduction
market-based debt reduction,
noise reduction
noise reduction,redukce šumu n: [tech.] foto Ladislav Hlavatý
oxidation-reduction, n:
oxidation-reduction indicator
oxidation-reduction indicator, n:
oxidoreduction,oxidoredukce Zdeněk Brož
poverty reduction and growth facility
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility,
price reduction
price reduction,sleva
reduction division
reduction division, n:
reduction gear
reduction gear, n:
reductionism,redukcionismus n: Zdeněk Brož
reductionist,redukcionista n: Zdeněk Brož
reductions,omezení n: pl. Zdeněk Brožreductions,redukce n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
temperature reduction
temperature reduction, n:
Reduction \Re*duc"tion\ (r[-e]*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [F.
r['e]duction, L. reductio. See Reduce.]
1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion
to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as,
the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things
to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the
reduction of a rebellious province.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arith. & Alg.) The act or process of reducing. See
Reduce, v. t., 6. and To reduce an equation, {To
reduce an expression}, under Reduce, v. t.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) The correction of observations for known errors of
instruments, etc.
(b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of
observations in order to deduce a general result.
[1913 Webster]

4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure,
design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the
proper proportions. --Fairholt.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the
so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of
reducing[7]; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the
reduction of an aldehyde into an alcohol.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or
fractured part to its former place.
[1913 Webster]

Reduction ascending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination,
as cents to dollars.

Reduction descending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination,
as dollars to cents.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment;
subjugation; conquest; subjection.
[1913 Webster]
Reduction ascending
Reduction \Re*duc"tion\ (r[-e]*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [F.
r['e]duction, L. reductio. See Reduce.]
1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion
to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as,
the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things
to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the
reduction of a rebellious province.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arith. & Alg.) The act or process of reducing. See
Reduce, v. t., 6. and To reduce an equation, {To
reduce an expression}, under Reduce, v. t.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) The correction of observations for known errors of
instruments, etc.
(b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of
observations in order to deduce a general result.
[1913 Webster]

4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure,
design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the
proper proportions. --Fairholt.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the
so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of
reducing[7]; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the
reduction of an aldehyde into an alcohol.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or
fractured part to its former place.
[1913 Webster]

Reduction ascending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination,
as cents to dollars.

Reduction descending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination,
as dollars to cents.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment;
subjugation; conquest; subjection.
[1913 Webster]
Reduction descending
Reduction \Re*duc"tion\ (r[-e]*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [F.
r['e]duction, L. reductio. See Reduce.]
1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion
to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as,
the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things
to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the
reduction of a rebellious province.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arith. & Alg.) The act or process of reducing. See
Reduce, v. t., 6. and To reduce an equation, {To
reduce an expression}, under Reduce, v. t.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) The correction of observations for known errors of
instruments, etc.
(b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of
observations in order to deduce a general result.
[1913 Webster]

4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure,
design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the
proper proportions. --Fairholt.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the
so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of
reducing[7]; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the
reduction of an aldehyde into an alcohol.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or
fractured part to its former place.
[1913 Webster]

Reduction ascending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination,
as cents to dollars.

Reduction descending (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination,
as dollars to cents.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment;
subjugation; conquest; subjection.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an
oxidation and the reverse is a reduction [syn: {oxidation-
reduction}, oxidoreduction, redox]
oxidation-reduction indicator
oxidation-reduction indicator
n 1: an indicator that shows a reversible color change between
oxidized and reduced forms
n 1: a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an
oxidation and the reverse is a reduction [syn: {oxidation-
reduction}, oxidoreduction, redox]
price reduction
price reduction
n 1: the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise [syn:
discount, price reduction, deduction]
reduction division
reduction division
n 1: (genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells
in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into
four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number
(leading to gametes in animals and spores in plants) [syn:
meiosis, miosis, reduction division]
reduction gear
reduction gear
n 1: gearing that reduces an input speed to a slower output
n 1: a theory that all complex systems can be completely
understood in terms of their components
2: the analysis of complex things into simpler constituents
adj 1: of or relating to the theory of reductionism;
"reductionist arguments"
temperature reduction
temperature reduction
n 1: the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature [syn:
cooling, chilling, temperature reduction]
applicative order reduction
applicative order reduction

An evaluation strategy under which an
expression is evaluated by repeatedly evaluating its leftmost
innermost redex. This means that a function's arguments are
evaluated before the function is applied. This method will
not terminate if a function is given a non-terminating
expression as an argument even if the function is not strict
in that argument. Also known as call-by-value since the
values of arguments are passed rather than their names. This
is the evaluation strategy used by ML, Scheme, Hope and
most procedural languages such as C and Pascal.

See also normal order reduction, parallel reduction.

beta reduction
beta reduction

[lambda-calculus] The application of a {lambda
abstraction} to an argument expression. A copy of the body of
the lambda abstraction is made and occurrences of the {bound
variable} being replaced by the argument. E.g.

(\ x . x+1) 4 --> 4+1

Beta reduction is the only kind of reduction in the {pure
lambda-calculus}. The opposite of beta reduction is {beta
abstraction}. These are the two kinds of beta conversion.

See also name capture.