- spoločnosť, bratstvo
society,družstvo n: Zdeněk Brož
society,kolektiv Zdeněk Brož
society,sdružení Zdeněk Brož
society,společenství Zdeněk Brož
society,spolek n: Zdeněk Brož
Society \So*ci"e*ty\, n.; pl. Societies. [L. societas, fr.
socius a companion: cf. F. soci['e]t['e]. See Social.]
1. The relationship of men to one another when associated in
any way; companionship; fellowship; company. "Her loved
society." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

There is society where none intrudes
By the deep sea, and music in its roar. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

2. Connection; participation; partnership. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

The meanest of the people and such as have the least
society with the acts and crimes of kings. --Jer.
[1913 Webster]

3. A number of persons associated for any temporary or
permanent object; an association for mutual or joint
usefulness, pleasure, or profit; a social union; a
partnership; as, a missionary society.
[1913 Webster]

4. The persons, collectively considered, who live in any
region or at any period; any community of individuals who
are united together by a common bond of nearness or
intercourse; those who recognize each other as associates,
friends, and acquaintances.
[1913 Webster]

5. Specifically, the more cultivated portion of any community
in its social relations and influences; those who mutually
give receive formal entertainments.
[1913 Webster]

Society of Jesus. See Jesuit.

Society verses [a translation of F. vers de soci['e]t['e]],
the lightest kind of lyrical poetry; verses for the
amusement of polite society.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and
economic organization
2: a formal association of people with similar interests; "he
joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society";
"men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen
today" [syn: club, social club, society, guild,
gild, lodge, order]
3: the state of being with someone; "he missed their company";
"he enjoyed the society of his friends" [syn: company,
companionship, fellowship, society]
4: the fashionable elite [syn: society, high society, {beau
monde}, smart set, bon ton]
SOCIETY. A society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent,
in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some common purpose.
2. Societies are either incorporated and known to the law, or
unincorporated, of which the law does not generally take notice.
3. By civil society is usually understood a state, (q.v.) a nation,
(q.v.) or a body politic. (q.v.) Rutherf. Inst. c. 1 and 2.
4. In the civil law, by society is meant a partnership. Inst. 3, 26;
Dig. 17, 2 Code, 4, 37.

podobné slovodefinícia
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botanical society of the british isles bsbi
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bsbi botanical society of the british isles
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British Isles[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
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Benefit society
Benefit society \Benefit society\
A society or association formed for mutual insurance, as
among tradesmen or in labor unions, to provide for relief in
sickness, old age, and for the expenses of burial. Usually
called friendly society in Great Britain.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Bible Society
Bible \Bi"ble\ (b[imac]"b'l), n. [F. bible, L. biblia, pl., fr.
Gr. bibli`a, pl. of bibli`on, dim. of bi`blos, by`blos, book,
prop. Egyptian papyrus.]
1. A book. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

2. The Book by way of eminence, -- that is, the book which
is made up of the writings accepted by Christians as of
divine origin and authority, whether such writings be in
the original language, or translated; the Scriptures of
the Old and New Testaments; -- sometimes in a restricted
sense, the Old Testament; as, King James's Bible; Douay
Bible; Luther's Bible. Also, the book which is made up of
writings similarly accepted by the Jews; as, a rabbinical
[1913 Webster]

3. A book containing the sacred writings belonging to any
religion; as, the Koran is often called the Mohammedan
[1913 Webster]

4. (Fig.) a book with an authoritative exposition of some
topic, respected by many who are experts in the field.

Bible Society, an association for securing the
multiplication and wide distribution of the Bible.

Douay Bible. See Douay Bible.

Geneva Bible. See under Geneva.
[1913 Webster]