Taxine \Tax"ine\, n. [L. taxus a yew.] (Chem.)
A poisonous alkaloid of bitter taste extracted from the
leaves and seeds of the European yew (Taxus baccata).
Called also taxia. The usual preparation is a mixture of
compounds. Taxine A has the chemical formula: C35H47NO10.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
podobné slovodefinícia
ataxia,ataxie n: Zdeněk Brož
epitaxial,epitaxiální adj: Zdeněk Brož
herediatry spinal ataxia
herediatry spinal ataxia, n:
hereditary cerebellar ataxia
hereditary cerebellar ataxia, n:
locomotor ataxia
locomotor ataxia, n:
motor ataxia
motor ataxia, n:
Ataxia \A*tax"i*a\, Ataxy \At"ax*y\, n. [NL. ataxia, Gr. ?, fr.
? out of order; 'a priv. + ? ordered, arranged, ? to put in
order: cf. F. ataxie.]
1. Disorder; irregularity. [Obs.] --Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.)
(a) Irregularity in disease, or in the functions.
(b) The state of disorder that characterizes nervous
fevers and the nervous condition. [archaic]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) Loss of coordination in the voluntary muscles,
especially the limbs; an inability to coordinate voluntary
muscle movements; it results in unsteady movements and a
staggering gait. See also locomotor ataxia, an ataxia
which occurs when attempting to perform coordinated
muscular movements.

Syn: ataxy
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

Locomotor ataxia. See Locomotor.
[1913 Webster]
Homotaxia \Ho`mo*tax"i*a\, n. [NL.]
Same as Homotaxis. Homotaxial
Homotaxial \Ho`mo*tax"i*al\, Homotaxic \Ho`mo*tax"ic\, a.
Relating to homotaxis.
[1913 Webster]
Locomotor ataxia
Locomotor \Lo`co*mo"tor\, a. [See Locomotion.]
Of or pertaining to movement or locomotion.
[1913 Webster]

Locomotor ataxia, or Progressive locomotor ataxy (Med.),
a disease of the spinal cord characterized by peculiar
disturbances of gait, and difficulty in coordinating
voluntary movements.
[1913 Webster]Ataxia \A*tax"i*a\, Ataxy \At"ax*y\, n. [NL. ataxia, Gr. ?, fr.
? out of order; 'a priv. + ? ordered, arranged, ? to put in
order: cf. F. ataxie.]
1. Disorder; irregularity. [Obs.] --Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.)
(a) Irregularity in disease, or in the functions.
(b) The state of disorder that characterizes nervous
fevers and the nervous condition. [archaic]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) Loss of coordination in the voluntary muscles,
especially the limbs; an inability to coordinate voluntary
muscle movements; it results in unsteady movements and a
staggering gait. See also locomotor ataxia, an ataxia
which occurs when attempting to perform coordinated
muscular movements.

Syn: ataxy
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

Locomotor ataxia. See Locomotor.
[1913 Webster]
Postaxial \Post*ax"i*al\, a. [Pref. post- + axial.] (Anat.)
Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal;
caudal; posterior; especially, behind, or on the caudal or
posterior (that is, ulnar or fibular) side of, the axis of a
vertebrate limb.
[1913 Webster]
Taxiarch \Tax"i*arch\, n. [Gr. ? and ?; ? a division of an army,
a brigade (from ? to arrange, array) + to rule.] (Gr. Antiq.)
An Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of
an army. --Milford.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements;
unsteady movements and staggering gait [syn: ataxia,
ataxy, dyssynergia, motor ataxia]