taxonomy,systematika n: Zdeněk Brož
taxonomy,taxonomie n: [bio.] [eko.] Zdeněk Brož
Taxonomy \Tax*on"o*my\ (t[a^]ks*[o^]n"[-o]*m[y^]), n. [Gr.
ta`xis an arrangement, order + no`mos a law.]
1. That division of the natural sciences which treats of the
classification of animals and plants, primarily by
consideration of their natural relationships with respect
to their structure or genetic origin; the laws or
principles of classification; systematics.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A systematic arrangement of objects or concepts showing
the relations between them, especially one including a
hierarchical arrangement of types in which categories of
objects are classified as subtypes of more abstract
categories, starting from one or a small number of top
categories, and descending to more specific types through
an arbitrary number of levels. An ontology usually
contains a taxonomy as one of the important principles of
[1913 Webster +PJC]
n 1: a classification of organisms into groups based on
similarities of structure or origin etc
2: (biology) study of the general principles of scientific
3: practice of classifying plants and animals according to their
presumed natural relationships
podobné slovodefinícia
cytotaxonomy \cy`to*tax*on"o*my\
(s[imac]`t[-o]*t[a^]ks*[o^]n"[-o]*m[y^]), n. (Biology)
A branch of taxonomy which uses the characteristics of
cellular structures, such as somatic chromosomes, to classify
[PJC] -- cy`to*tax*on"o*mist, n. -- cy`to*tax`o*nom"ic,
a. -- cy`to*tax`o*nom"ic*al*ly, adv.
Taxonomy \Tax*on"o*my\ (t[a^]ks*[o^]n"[-o]*m[y^]), n. [Gr.
ta`xis an arrangement, order + no`mos a law.]
1. That division of the natural sciences which treats of the
classification of animals and plants, primarily by
consideration of their natural relationships with respect
to their structure or genetic origin; the laws or
principles of classification; systematics.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A systematic arrangement of objects or concepts showing
the relations between them, especially one including a
hierarchical arrangement of types in which categories of
objects are classified as subtypes of more abstract
categories, starting from one or a small number of top
categories, and descending to more specific types through
an arbitrary number of levels. An ontology usually
contains a taxonomy as one of the important principles of
[1913 Webster +PJC]