tumor,nádor n: Zdeněk Brož
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose [syn:
tumor, tumour, neoplasm]
podobné slovodefinícia
fibroid tumor
fibroid tumor, n:
malignant tumor
malignant tumor,zhoubný nádor Martin M.
metastatic tumor
metastatic tumor, n:
nonmalignant tumor
nonmalignant tumor, n:
papillary tumor
papillary tumor, n:
sand tumor
sand tumor, n:
skin tumor
skin tumor, n:
tumor necrosis factor
tumor necrosis factor, n:
tumor virus
tumor virus, n:
wound tumor virus
wound tumor virus, n:
Benign tumor
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
Encysted tumor
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty tumor
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Gummy tumor
Gummy \Gum"my\, a. [Compar. Gummer (?); superl. Gummirst.]
Consisting of gum; viscous; adhesive; producing or containing
gum; covered with gum or a substance resembling gum.
[1913 Webster]

Kindles the gummy bark of fir or pine. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Then rubs his gummy eyes. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Gummy tumor (Med.), a gumma.
[1913 Webster]
Heterologous tumor
Heterologous \Het`er*ol"o*gous\, a. [Hetero- + Gr. ?
Characterized by heterology; consisting of different
elements, or of like elements in different proportions;
different; -- opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs.
[1913 Webster]

Heterologous stimulus. (Physiol.) See under Stimulus.

Heterologous tumor (Med.), a tumor differing in structure
from the normal tissues of the body.
[1913 Webster]
Innocent tumor
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
malignant tumor
malignant tumor \malignant tumor\ n. (Med.),
Same as malignancy[4].

Syn: malignancy, malignance, malignant tumor, metastatic
[WordNet 1.5]Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
Malignant tumor
malignant tumor \malignant tumor\ n. (Med.),
Same as malignancy[4].

Syn: malignancy, malignance, malignant tumor, metastatic
[WordNet 1.5]Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
Phantom tumor
Phantom \Phan"tom\, n. [OE. fantome, fantosme, fantesme, OF.
fant[^o]me, fr. L. phantasma, Gr. fa`ntasma, fr. fai`nein to
show. See Fancy, and cf. Pha["e]ton, Phantasm,
That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a
specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal
[1913 Webster]

Strange phantoms rising as the mists arise. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

She was a phantom of delight. --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

Phantom ship. See Flying Dutchman, under Flying.

Phantom tumor (Med.), a swelling, especially of the
abdomen, due to muscular spasm, accumulation of flatus,
etc., simulating an actual tumor in appearance, but
disappearing upon the administration of an an[ae]sthetic.
[1913 Webster]
Sonorous tumor
Sonorous \So*no"rous\, a. [L. sonorus, fr. sonor, -oris, a
sound, akin to sonus a sound. See Sound.]
1. Giving sound when struck; resonant; as, sonorous metals.
[1913 Webster]

2. Loud-sounding; giving a clear or loud sound; as, a
sonorous voice.
[1913 Webster]

3. Yielding sound; characterized by sound; vocal; sonant; as,
the vowels are sonorous.
[1913 Webster]

4. Impressive in sound; high-sounding.
[1913 Webster]

The Italian opera, amidst all the meanness and
familiarty of the thoughts, has something beautiful
and sonorous in the expression. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

There is nothing of the artificial Johnsonian
balance in his style. It is as often marked by a
pregnant brevity as by a sonorous amplitude. --E.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) Sonant; vibrant; hence, of sounds produced in a
cavity, deep-toned; as, sonorous rhonchi.
[1913 Webster]

Sonorous figures (Physics), figures formed by the
vibrations of a substance capable of emitting a musical
tone, as when the bow of a violin is drawn along the edge
of a piece of glass or metal on which sand is strewed, and
the sand arranges itself in figures according to the
musical tone. Called also acoustic figures.

Sonorous tumor (Med.), a tumor which emits a clear,
resonant sound on percussion.
[1913 Webster] -- So*no"rous*ly, adv. --
So*no"rous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]
Tumored \Tu"mored\ (t[=u]"m[~e]rd), a.
Distended; swelled. [R.] "His tumored breast." --R. Junius.
[1913 Webster]
Tumorous \Tu"mor*ous\, a. [L. tumorosus inflated.]
1. Swelling; protuberant. [R.] --Sir H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]

2. Inflated; bombastic. [R.] --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]
adipose tumor
adipose tumor
n 1: a tumor consisting of fatty tissue [syn: lipoma, {adipose
adj 1: used in the treatment of cancer; "anticancer drug"; "an
antineoplastic effect" [syn: anticancer,
antineoplastic, antitumor, antitumour]
benign tumor
benign tumor
n 1: a tumor that is not cancerous [syn: benign tumor, {benign
tumour}, nonmalignant tumor, nonmalignant tumour,
nonmalignant neoplasm]
brain tumor
brain tumor
n 1: a tumor in the brain [syn: brain tumor, brain tumour]