- súper
vier,soupeř n: Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
- audit
- closing
- closing
- balancing, deadline, shutter, balancing
- belief, faith, trust
- beast, creature
- animal
- creatures, beasts
- press
- audit
- closing
- closing
- balancing, deadline, shutter, balancing
- belief, faith, trust
- beast, creature
- animal
- press
- creatures, beasts
Bouvier,Bouvier n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
clavier,klaviatura n: Zdeněk Brož
heavier-than-air,těžší než vzduch Zdeněk Brož
heavier-than-air craft
heavier-than-air craft, n:
nodes of ranvier
nodes of Ranvier, n:
Olivier,Olivier n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Riviera,Riviera n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
sansevieria, n:
Xavier,Xaver n: [male] [jmén.] mammXavier,Xaverius n: [male] [jmén.] sv. František Xaverský mammXavier,Xavier n: [male] [jmén.] mužské křestní jméno, anglické
příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Bouvier,Bouviern: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Olivier,Oliviern: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Riviera,Rivieran: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
saint frances xavier
Saint Frances Xavier,Cabrini Jiří Šmoldas
Xavier,Xaviern: [male] [jmén.] mužské křestní jméno, anglické
příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Brevier \Bre*vier"\ (br[-e]*v[=e]r"), n. [Prob. from being
originally used in printing a breviary. See Breviary.]
A size of type between bourgeois and minion.
[1913 Webster]
Clavier \Cla"vi*er\ (? F. ?), n. [F., fr. L. clavis key.] (Mus.)
The keyboard of an organ, pianoforte, or harmonium.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Clavier (?) is the German name for a pianoforte.
[1913 Webster]
Envier \En"vi*er\, n.
One who envies; one who desires inordinately what another
[1913 Webster]
Favier explosive
Favier explosive \Fa`vier" ex*plo"sive\prop. n.. [After the
inventor, P. A. Favier, a Frenchman.]
Any of several explosive mixtures, chiefly of ammonium
nitrate and a nitrate derivative of naphthalene. They are
stable, but require protection from moisture. As prepared it
is a compressed cylinder of the explosive, filled with loose
powder of the same composition, all inclosed in waterproof
wrappers. It is used for mining.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Galeocerdo cuvier
Shark \Shark\ (sh[aum]rk), n. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
through OF. fr. carcharus a kind of dogfish, Gr. karchari`as,
so called from its sharp teeth, fr. ka`rcharos having sharp
or jagged teeth; or perhaps named from its rapacity (cf.
Shark, v. t. & i.); cf. Corn. scarceas.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes
of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark,
grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty
feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in
length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are
exceedingly voracious. The man-eating sharks mostly
belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and
related genera. They have several rows of large sharp
teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark
(Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti)
of tropical seas, and the great blue shark
(Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all
tropical and temperate seas. The former sometimes
becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious
and dangerous species known. The rare man-eating shark
of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is
thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of
Carcharodon carcharias. The dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the
coast of the United States of moderate size and not
dangerous. It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The original 1913 Webster also mentioned a "smaller
blue shark (C. caudatus)", but this species could not
be found mentioned on the Web (August 2002). The
following is a list of Atlantic Ocean sharks:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Common and Scientific Names of Atlantic Sharks
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
from "Our Living Oceans 1995" (published by the
National Printing Office):
NMFS. 1999. Our Living Oceans. Report on the status of
U.S. living marine resources, 1999. U.S. Dep. Commer.,
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version,
(the following list is found at at
(1) Pelagic Sharks
Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Sevengill shark (Heptrachias perlo)
Sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)
Bigeye sixgill shark (Hexanchus vitulus)
Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
(2)Large Coastal Sharks
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis)
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
Bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Night shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
(3) Small Coastal Sharks
Finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon erraenovae)
Caribbean sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon porosus)
Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril)

2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark.
[Obs.] --South.
[1913 Webster]

Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark,
Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking,
Liver, etc. See also Dogfish, Houndfish,
Notidanian, and Tope.

Gray shark, the sand shark.

Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.

Port Jackson shark. See Cestraciont.

Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.

Shark ray. Same as Angel fish
(a), under Angel.

Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious
shark. See Thrasher.

Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of
the Indian Ocean. It becomes sixty feet or more in length,
but has very small teeth.
[1913 Webster]
Havier \Hav"ier\ (h[=a]"y[~e]r), n. [Formerly haver, prob. fr.
Half; cf. L. semimas emasculated, prop., half male.]
A castrated deer.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Haviers, or stags which have been gelded when young,
have no horns. --Encyc. of
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Heavy \Heav"y\, a. [Compar. Heavier; superl. Heaviest.] [OE.
hevi, AS. hefig, fr. hebban to lift, heave; akin to OHG.
hebig, hevig, Icel. h["o]figr, h["o]fugr. See Heave.]
1. Heaved or lifted with labor; not light; weighty;
ponderous; as, a heavy stone; hence, sometimes, large in
extent, quantity, or effects; as, a heavy fall of rain or
snow; a heavy failure; heavy business transactions, etc.;
often implying strength; as, a heavy barrier; also,
difficult to move; as, a heavy draught.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not easy to bear; burdensome; oppressive; hard to endure
or accomplish; hence, grievous, afflictive; as, heavy
yokes, expenses, undertakings, trials, news, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod.
--1 Sam. v. 6.
[1913 Webster]

The king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make.
[1913 Webster]

Sent hither to impart the heavy news. --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

Trust him not in matter of heavy consequence.
[1913 Webster]

3. Laden with that which is weighty; encumbered; burdened;
bowed down, either with an actual burden, or with care,
grief, pain, disappointment.
[1913 Webster]

The heavy [sorrowing] nobles all in council were.
[1913 Webster]

A light wife doth make a heavy husband. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Slow; sluggish; inactive; or lifeless, dull, inanimate,
stupid; as, a heavy gait, looks, manners, style, and the
like; a heavy writer or book.
[1913 Webster]

Whilst the heavy plowman snores. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Of a heavy, dull, degenerate mind. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Neither [is] his ear heavy, that it can not hear.
--Is. lix. 1.
[1913 Webster]

5. Strong; violent; forcible; as, a heavy sea, storm,
cannonade, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

6. Loud; deep; -- said of sound; as, heavy thunder.
[1913 Webster]

But, hark! that heavy sound breaks in once more.
[1913 Webster]

7. Dark with clouds, or ready to rain; gloomy; -- said of the
[1913 Webster]

8. Impeding motion; cloggy; clayey; -- said of earth; as, a
heavy road, soil, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

9. Not raised or made light; as, heavy bread.
[1913 Webster]

10. Not agreeable to, or suitable for, the stomach; not
easily digested; -- said of food.
[1913 Webster]

11. Having much body or strength; -- said of wines, or other
[1913 Webster]

12. With child; pregnant. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Heavy artillery. (Mil.)
(a) Guns of great weight or large caliber, esp. siege,
garrison, and seacoast guns.
(b) Troops which serve heavy guns.

Heavy cavalry. See under Cavalry.

Heavy fire (Mil.), a continuous or destructive cannonading,
or discharge of small arms.

Heavy metal (Mil.), large guns carrying balls of a large
size; also, large balls for such guns.

Heavy metals. (Chem.) See under Metal.

Heavy weight, in wrestling, boxing, etc., a term applied to
the heaviest of the classes into which contestants are
divided. Cf. Feather weight
(c), under Feather.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Heavy is used in composition to form many words which
need no special explanation; as, heavy-built,
heavy-browed, heavy-gaited, etc.
[1913 Webster]
klavier \klavier\ n.
a stringed instrument that has a keyboard, especially a
piano, harpsichord, or clavichord; also, the keyboard of such
an instrument. Same as clavier.

Syn: clavier.
[WordNet 1.5]
Levier \Lev"i*er\ (l[e^]v"[i^]*[~e]r), n.
One who levies. --Cartwright.
[1913 Webster]
Loup-cervier \Loup"-cer`vier"\, n. [F. Cf. Lusern.] (Zool.)
The Canada lynx. See Lynx.
[1913 Webster]
nervy \nerv"y\ (n[~e]rv"[y^]), a. [Compar. nervier
(n[~e]rv"[i^]*[~e]r); superl. nerviest.]
1. Strong; sinewy. "His nervy knees." --Keats.
[1913 Webster]

2. Offensively bold or presumptuous; insolent; cheeky; pushy.

3. Exhibiting courage or daring; bold; plucky.

4. Nervous[6]; apprehensive; edgy[1].
Pavier \Pav"ier\, n.
A paver.
[1913 Webster]Paver \Pav"er\, n.
One who paves; one who lays a pavement. [Written also
pavier and pavior.]
[1913 Webster]
Pavier \Pav"ier\, n.
A paver.
[1913 Webster]Paver \Pav"er\, n.
One who paves; one who lays a pavement. [Written also
pavier and pavior.]
[1913 Webster]
Riviere \Ri`vi[`e]re"\, n. [F.]
A necklace of diamonds or other precious stones, esp. one of
several strings.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Sanseviera Guineensis
African \Af"ri*can\, a. [L. Africus, Africanus, fr. Afer
Of or pertaining to Africa.
[1913 Webster]

African hemp, a fiber prepared from the leaves of the
Sanseviera Guineensis, a plant found in Africa and

African marigold, a tropical American plant ({Tagetes

African oak or African teak, a timber furnished by
Oldfieldia Africana, used in ship building.
[1913 Webster]

African violet .

African-American, see African-American.
[1913 Webster]
Sanseviera Zeylanica
Bowstring \Bow"string`\, n.
1. The string of a bow.
[1913 Webster]

2. A string used by the Turks for strangling offenders.
[1913 Webster]

Bowstring bridge, a bridge formed of an arch of timber or
iron, often braced, the thrust of which is resisted by a
tie forming a chord of the arch.

Bowstring girder, an arched beam strengthened by a tie
connecting its two ends.

Bowstring hemp (Bot.), the tenacious fiber of the
Sanseviera Zeylanica, growing in India and Africa, from
which bowstrings are made. --Balfour.
[1913 Webster]
Scurvy \Scur"vy\, a. [Compar. Scurvier; superl. Scurviest.]
[From Scurf; cf. Scurvy, n.]
1. Covered or affected with scurf or scabs; scabby; scurfy;
specifically, diseased with the scurvy. "Whatsoever man .
. . be scurvy or scabbed." --Lev. xxi. 18, 20.
[1913 Webster]

2. Vile; mean; low; vulgar; contemptible. "A scurvy trick."
--Ld. Lytton.
[1913 Webster]

That scurvy custom of taking tobacco. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

[He] spoke spoke such scurvy and provoking terms.
[1913 Webster]
Vierkleur \Vier"kleur`\, n. [D., fr. vier four + kleur color, F.
The four-colored flag of the South African Republic, or
Transvaal, -- red, white, blue, and green.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
amorphophallus rivieri
Amorphophallus rivieri
n 1: foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of
southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the
greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe
surrounding a large spadix [syn: devil's tongue, {snake
palm}, umbrella arum, Amorphophallus rivieri]
baron georges cuvier
Baron Georges Cuvier
n 1: French naturalist known as the father of comparative
anatomy (1769-1832) [syn: Cuvier, Georges Cuvier,
Baron Georges Cuvier, {Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic
Dagobert Cuvier}]
baron olivier of birghton
Baron Olivier of Birghton
n 1: English actor best know for his Shakespearean roles
(1907-1989) [syn: Olivier, Laurence Olivier, {Sir
Laurence Kerr Olivier}, Baron Olivier of Birghton]
bouvier des flandres
Bouvier des Flandres
n 1: rough-coated breed used originally in Belgium for herding
and guarding cattle [syn: Bouvier des Flandres, {Bouviers
des Flandres}]
bouviers des flandres
Bouviers des Flandres
n 1: rough-coated breed used originally in Belgium for herding
and guarding cattle [syn: Bouvier des Flandres, {Bouviers
des Flandres}]
n 1: a bank of keys on a musical instrument [syn: {piano
keyboard}, fingerboard, clavier]
2: a stringed instrument that has a keyboard [syn: clavier,
n 1: French naturalist known as the father of comparative
anatomy (1769-1832) [syn: Cuvier, Georges Cuvier,
Baron Georges Cuvier, {Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic
Dagobert Cuvier}]
french riviera
French Riviera
n 1: the French part of the Riviera [syn: French Riviera,
Cote d'Azur]
galeocerdo cuvieri
Galeocerdo cuvieri
n 1: large dangerous warm-water shark with striped or spotted
body [syn: tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri]
genus sansevieria
genus Sansevieria
n 1: Old World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave
family; in some classifications considered a genus of
georges cuvier
Georges Cuvier
n 1: French naturalist known as the father of comparative
anatomy (1769-1832) [syn: Cuvier, Georges Cuvier,
Baron Georges Cuvier, {Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic
Dagobert Cuvier}]
georges leopold chretien frederic dagobert cuvier
Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier
n 1: French naturalist known as the father of comparative
anatomy (1769-1832) [syn: Cuvier, Georges Cuvier,
Baron Georges Cuvier, {Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic
Dagobert Cuvier}]
adj 1: relating to an aircraft heavier than the air it displaces
heavier-than-air craft
heavier-than-air craft
n 1: a non-buoyant aircraft that requires a source of power to
hold it aloft and to propel it
n 1: a stringed instrument that has a keyboard [syn: clavier,
laurence olivier
Laurence Olivier
n 1: English actor best know for his Shakespearean roles
(1907-1989) [syn: Olivier, Laurence Olivier, {Sir
Laurence Kerr Olivier}, Baron Olivier of Birghton]
nodes of ranvier
nodes of Ranvier
n 1: small gaps in the myelin sheath of medullated axons [syn:
Ranvier's nodes, nodes of Ranvier]
n 1: English actor best know for his Shakespearean roles
(1907-1989) [syn: Olivier, Laurence Olivier, {Sir
Laurence Kerr Olivier}, Baron Olivier of Birghton]