- rys
lynx,rys luke
Lynx,Lynx n: [jmén.] [it.] textový webový prohlížeč luke
Lynx,Lynxn: [jmén.] [it.] textový webový prohlížeč luke
Lynx \Lynx\ (l[i^][ng]ks), n. [L. lynx, lyncis, Gr. ly`gx; akin
to AS. lox, G. luchs, prob. named from its sharp sight, and
akin to E. light. See Light, n., and cf. Ounce an
1. (Zool.) Any one of several species of feline animals of
the genus Felis, and subgenus Lynx. They have a short
tail, and usually a pencil of hair on the tip of the ears.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the well-known species are the European lynx
(Felis borealis); the Canada lynx or loup-cervier
(Felis Canadensis syn. Lynx lynx); the bay lynx of
America (Felis rufa), and its western spotted variety
(var. maculata); and the pardine lynx (Felis pardina)
of Southern Europe.

2. (Astron.) One of the northern constellations.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a text browser
2: short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for
their fur [syn: lynx, catamount]

A language for large distributed networks, using {remote
procedure calls}, developed by the University of Wisconsin
in 1984.

["The Lynx Distributed Programming Language: Motivation,
Design and Experience", M.L. Scott, Computer Langs 16:209-233


1. A WWW browser from the University of Kansas for use
on cursor-addressable, character cell terminals or
terminals emulators under Unix or VMS. Lynx is a
product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic
Computing Services of The University of Kansas. Lynx was
originally developed by Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe and
Charles Rezac. Garrett Blythe created DosLynx and later
joined the Lynx effort as well. Foteos Macrides ported much
of Lynx to VMS and is now maintaining it.

Version: 2.4-FM (1995-10-25).


Mailing list: (send "subscribe
lynx-dev " in the message body to


2. Lynx Real-Time Systems.

podobné slovodefinícia
- rys
common lynx
common lynx, n:
desert lynx
desert lynx, n:
lynx,rys lukeLynx,Lynx n: [jmén.] [it.] textový webový prohlížeč luke
lynx-eyed,mající zrak jako rys luke
spotted lynx
spotted lynx, n:
Lynx,Lynxn: [jmén.] [it.] textový webový prohlížeč luke
Bay lynx
Bay \Bay\ (b[=a]), a. [F. bai, fr. L. badius brown,
chestnut-colored; -- used only of horses.]
Reddish brown; of the color of a chestnut; -- applied to the
color of horses.
[1913 Webster]

Bay cat (Zool.), a wild cat of Africa and the East Indies
(Felis aurata).

Bay lynx (Zool.), the common American lynx (Lynx lynx,
formerly Felis rufa or Lynx rufa).
[1913 Webster]
Canada lynx
Canada \Can"a*da\, n.
A country in North America, bordering the United States on
the north. It is a federation which includes English-speaking
provinces and the French-speaking Province of Quebec.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Canada balsam. See under Balsam.

Canada goose. (Zool.) See Wild goose.

Canada jay. See Whisky Jack.

Canada lynx. (Zool.) See Lynx.

Canada lily. (Bot.) a plant of eastern North America
(Lilium canadense) having yellow or orange flowers with
dark spots; called also meadow lily. --RHUD

Canada porcupine (Zool.) See Porcupine, and Urson.

Canada rice (Bot.) See under Rick.

Canada robin (Zool.), the cedar bird.
[1913 Webster]
Felis lynx
Felis \Fe"lis\ (f[=e]"l[i^]s), prop. n. [L., cat.] (Zool.)
A genus of mostly small carnivorous mammals, including the
domestic cat, puma, ocelot, and margay, which share the
inability to roar due to bone structure in the larynx. The
lion, tiger, and other large roaring cats were once included
in Felis but are now assigned to the genus Panthera. The
lynx (Felis lynx) is also called Lynx lynx.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Lynx caracal
Caracal \Car"a*cal\ (k[a^]r"[.a]*k[a^]l), n. [F. caracal, fr.
Turk qarahqootaq; qarah black + qootaq ear.] (Zool.)
A lynx (Felis caracal syn. Lynx caracal). It is a native
of Africa and Asia. Its ears are black externally, and tipped
with long black hairs.
[1913 Webster]
Lynx Lybicus
Chaus \Cha"us\, n. (Zool.)
a lynxlike animal of Asia and Africa (Lynx Lybicus).
[1913 Webster]
Lynx lynx
Lynx \Lynx\ (l[i^][ng]ks), n. [L. lynx, lyncis, Gr. ly`gx; akin
to AS. lox, G. luchs, prob. named from its sharp sight, and
akin to E. light. See Light, n., and cf. Ounce an
1. (Zool.) Any one of several species of feline animals of
the genus Felis, and subgenus Lynx. They have a short
tail, and usually a pencil of hair on the tip of the ears.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the well-known species are the European lynx
(Felis borealis); the Canada lynx or loup-cervier
(Felis Canadensis syn. Lynx lynx); the bay lynx of
America (Felis rufa), and its western spotted variety
(var. maculata); and the pardine lynx (Felis pardina)
of Southern Europe.

2. (Astron.) One of the northern constellations.
[1913 Webster]Bay \Bay\ (b[=a]), a. [F. bai, fr. L. badius brown,
chestnut-colored; -- used only of horses.]
Reddish brown; of the color of a chestnut; -- applied to the
color of horses.
[1913 Webster]

Bay cat (Zool.), a wild cat of Africa and the East Indies
(Felis aurata).

Bay lynx (Zool.), the common American lynx (Lynx lynx,
formerly Felis rufa or Lynx rufa).
[1913 Webster]Felis \Fe"lis\ (f[=e]"l[i^]s), prop. n. [L., cat.] (Zool.)
A genus of mostly small carnivorous mammals, including the
domestic cat, puma, ocelot, and margay, which share the
inability to roar due to bone structure in the larynx. The
lion, tiger, and other large roaring cats were once included
in Felis but are now assigned to the genus Panthera. The
lynx (Felis lynx) is also called Lynx lynx.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Lynx rufa
Bay \Bay\ (b[=a]), a. [F. bai, fr. L. badius brown,
chestnut-colored; -- used only of horses.]
Reddish brown; of the color of a chestnut; -- applied to the
color of horses.
[1913 Webster]

Bay cat (Zool.), a wild cat of Africa and the East Indies
(Felis aurata).

Bay lynx (Zool.), the common American lynx (Lynx lynx,
formerly Felis rufa or Lynx rufa).
[1913 Webster]
Lynx rufus
bobcat \bob"cat\ (b[o^]b"k[a^]t`), n.
1. small lynx (Lynx rufus) of North America.

Syn: bay lynx.
[WordNet 1.5]cat \cat\ (k[a^]t), n. [AS. cat; akin to D. & Dan. kat, Sw.
katt, Icel. k["o]ttr, G. katze, kater, Ir. cat, W. cath,
Armor. kaz, LL. catus, Bisc. catua, NGr. ga`ta, ga`tos, Russ.
& Pol. kot, Turk. kedi, Ar. qitt; of unknown origin. Cf.
1. (Zool.) Any animal belonging to the natural family
Felidae, and in particular to the various species of the
genera Felis, Panthera, and Lynx. The domestic cat
is Felis domestica. The European wild cat ({Felis
catus}) is much larger than the domestic cat. In the
United States the name wild cat is commonly applied to
the bay lynx (Lynx rufus). The larger felines, such as
the lion, tiger, leopard, and cougar, are often referred
to as cats, and sometimes as big cats. See Wild cat, and
Tiger cat.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The domestic cat includes many varieties named from
their place of origin or from some peculiarity; as, the
Angora cat; the Maltese cat; the Manx cat; the
Siamese cat.
[1913 Webster]

Laying aside their often rancorous debate over
how best to preserve the Florida panther, state
and federal wildlife officials,
environmentalists, and independent scientists
endorsed the proposal, and in 1995 the eight cats
[female Texas cougars] were brought from Texas
and released. . . .
Uprooted from the arid hills of West Texas, three
of the imports have died, but the remaining five
adapted to swamp life and have each given birth
to at least one litter of kittens. --Mark Derr
(N. Y. Times,
Nov. 2, 1999,
Science Times
p. F2).

Note: The word cat is also used to designate other animals,
from some fancied resemblance; as, civet cat, fisher
cat, catbird, catfish shark, sea cat.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.)
(a) A strong vessel with a narrow stern, projecting
quarters, and deep waist. It is employed in the coal
and timber trade.
(b) A strong tackle used to draw an anchor up to the
cathead of a ship. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]

3. A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.), having six
feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever
position it is placed.
[1913 Webster]

4. An old game; specifically:
(a) The game of tipcat and the implement with which it is
played. See Tipcat.
(b) A game of ball, called, according to the number of
batters, one old cat, two old cat, etc.
[1913 Webster]

5. same as cat o' nine tails; as, British sailors feared
the cat.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

6. A catamaran.

Angora cat, blind cat, See under Angora, Blind.

Black cat the fisher. See under Black.

Cat and dog, like a cat and dog; quarrelsome; inharmonious.
"I am sure we have lived a cat and dog life of it."

Cat block (Naut.), a heavy iron-strapped block with a large
hook, part of the tackle used in drawing an anchor up to
the cathead.

Cat hook (Naut.), a strong hook attached to a cat block.

Cat nap, a very short sleep. [Colloq.]

Cat o' nine tails, an instrument of punishment consisting
of nine pieces of knotted line or cord fastened to a
handle; -- formerly used to flog offenders on the bare

Cat's cradle, game played, esp. by children, with a string
looped on the fingers so, as to resemble small cradle. The
string is transferred from the fingers of one to those of
another, at each transfer with a change of form. See
Cratch, Cratch cradle.

To bell the cat, to perform a very dangerous or very
difficult task; -- taken metaphorically from a fable about
a mouse who proposes to put a bell on a cat, so as to be
able to hear the cat coming.

To let the cat out of the bag, to tell a secret, carelessly
or willfully. [Colloq.]

Bush cat, the serval. See Serval.
[1913 Webster]
Lynx-eyed \Lynx"-eyed`\, a.
Having acute sight.
[1913 Webster]
Pardine lynx
Pardine \Par"dine\, a. (Zool.)
Spotted like a pard.
[1913 Webster]

Pardine lynx (Zool.), a species of lynx (Felis pardina)
inhabiting Southern Europe. Its color is rufous, spotted
with black.
[1913 Webster]
bay lynx
bay lynx
n 1: small lynx of North America [syn: bobcat, bay lynx,
Lynx rufus]
canada lynx
Canada lynx
n 1: of northern North America [syn: Canada lynx, {Lynx
common lynx
common lynx
n 1: of northern Eurasia [syn: common lynx, Lynx lynx]
desert lynx
desert lynx
n 1: of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia [syn:
caracal, desert lynx, Lynx caracal]
genus lynx
genus Lynx
n 1: lynxes
n 1: a text browser
2: short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for
their fur [syn: lynx, catamount]
lynx canadensis
Lynx canadensis
n 1: of northern North America [syn: Canada lynx, {Lynx
lynx caracal
Lynx caracal
n 1: of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia [syn:
caracal, desert lynx, Lynx caracal]
lynx lynx
Lynx lynx
n 1: of northern Eurasia [syn: common lynx, Lynx lynx]
lynx pardina
Lynx pardina
n 1: of southern Europe [syn: spotted lynx, Lynx pardina]
lynx rufus
Lynx rufus
n 1: small lynx of North America [syn: bobcat, bay lynx,
Lynx rufus]
adj 1: having very keen vision; "quick-sighted as a cat" [syn:
argus-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-sighted, lynx-eyed,
quick-sighted, sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted]
spotted lynx
spotted lynx
n 1: of southern Europe [syn: spotted lynx, Lynx pardina]

A language for large distributed networks, using {remote
procedure calls}, developed by the University of Wisconsin
in 1984.

["The Lynx Distributed Programming Language: Motivation,
Design and Experience", M.L. Scott, Computer Langs 16:209-233


1. A WWW browser from the University of Kansas for use
on cursor-addressable, character cell terminals or
terminals emulators under Unix or VMS. Lynx is a
product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic
Computing Services of The University of Kansas. Lynx was
originally developed by Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe and
Charles Rezac. Garrett Blythe created DosLynx and later
joined the Lynx effort as well. Foteos Macrides ported much
of Lynx to VMS and is now maintaining it.

Version: 2.4-FM (1995-10-25).


Mailing list: (send "subscribe
lynx-dev " in the message body to


2. Lynx Real-Time Systems.

lynx real-time systems
Lynx Real-Time Systems

A company in Los Gatos, California who distribute LynxOS.


E-mail: , .

Address: 16780 Lark Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030, USA.

Telephone:: +1 (408) 354 7770, +1 (800) 255 LYNX. Fax: +1
(408) 354 7085.


A POSIX compliant real-time operating system from {Lynx
Real-Time Systems}. It has a Unix-like interface to
application programs.


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