- vlna
wool,vlna n:
Wool \Wool\ (w[oo^]l), n. [OE. wolle, wulle, AS. wull; akin to
D. wol, OHG. wolla, G. wolle, Icel. & Sw. ull, Dan. uld,
Goth, wulla, Lith. vilna, Russ. volna, L. vellus, Skr.
[=u]r[.n][=a] wool, v[.r] to cover. [root]146, 287. Cf.
Flannel, Velvet.]
[1913 Webster]
1. The soft and curled, or crisped, species of hair which
grows on sheep and some other animals, and which in
fineness sometimes approaches to fur; -- chiefly applied
to the fleecy coat of the sheep, which constitutes a most
essential material of clothing in all cold and temperate
[1913 Webster]

Note: Wool consists essentially of keratin.
[1913 Webster]

2. Short, thick hair, especially when crisped or curled.
[1913 Webster]

Wool of bat and tongue of dog. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A sort of pubescence, or a clothing of dense,
curling hairs on the surface of certain plants.
[1913 Webster]

Dead pulled wool, wool pulled from a carcass.

Mineral wool. See under Mineral.

Philosopher's wool. (Chem.) See Zinc oxide, under Zinc.

Pulled wool, wool pulled from a pelt, or undressed hide.

Slag wool. Same as Mineral wool, under Mineral.

Wool ball, a ball or mass of wool.

Wool burler, one who removes little burs, knots, or
extraneous matter, from wool, or the surface of woolen

Wool comber.
(a) One whose occupation is to comb wool.
(b) A machine for combing wool.

Wool grass (Bot.), a kind of bulrush (Scirpus Eriophorum)
with numerous clustered woolly spikes.

Wool scribbler. See Woolen scribbler, under Woolen, a.

Wool sorter's disease (Med.), a disease, resembling
malignant pustule, occurring among those who handle the
wool of goats and sheep.

Wool staple, a city or town where wool used to be brought
to the king's staple for sale. [Eng.]

Wool stapler.
(a) One who deals in wool.
(b) One who sorts wool according to its staple, or its
adaptation to different manufacturing purposes.

Wool winder, a person employed to wind, or make up, wool
into bundles to be packed for sale.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a fabric made from the hair of sheep [syn: wool,
woolen, woollen]
2: fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into
yarn for weaving
3: outer coat of especially sheep and yaks [syn: wool,

Window Object Oriented Language. A small Common Lisp-like
extension language. It claims to be the fastest interpreted
language in C with run-time types. Colas Nahaboo
. Version 1 is used as the kernel
language of the GWM window manager. Version 2 has an object

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