inclose,obehnat v: Zdeněk Brož
inclose,obemknout v: Zdeněk Brož
inclose,ohradit v: Zdeněk Brož
Inclose \In*close"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inclosed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Inclosing.] [See Enclose, and cf. Include.]
[Written also enclose.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To surround; to shut in; to confine on all sides; to
include; to shut up; to encompass; as, to inclose a fort
or an army with troops; to inclose a town with walls.
[1913 Webster]

How many evils have inclosed me round! --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To put within a case, envelope, or the like; to fold (a
thing) within another or into the same parcel; as, to
inclose a letter or a bank note.
[1913 Webster]

The inclosed copies of the treaty. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. To separate from common grounds by a fence; as, to inclose
lands. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

4. To put into harness; to harness. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

They went to coach and their horse inclose.
[1913 Webster]
v 1: surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed
in the porch with a fence" [syn: enclose, close in,
inclose, shut in]
2: introduce; "Insert your ticket here" [syn: insert,
enclose, inclose, stick in, put in, introduce]
podobné slovodefinícia
inclose,obehnat v: Zdeněk Brožinclose,obemknout v: Zdeněk Brožinclose,ohradit v: Zdeněk Brož
Disinclose \Dis`in*close"\, v. t. [Cf. Disenclose.]
To free from being inclosed.
[1913 Webster]
Inclose \In*close"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inclosed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Inclosing.] [See Enclose, and cf. Include.]
[Written also enclose.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To surround; to shut in; to confine on all sides; to
include; to shut up; to encompass; as, to inclose a fort
or an army with troops; to inclose a town with walls.
[1913 Webster]

How many evils have inclosed me round! --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To put within a case, envelope, or the like; to fold (a
thing) within another or into the same parcel; as, to
inclose a letter or a bank note.
[1913 Webster]

The inclosed copies of the treaty. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. To separate from common grounds by a fence; as, to inclose
lands. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

4. To put into harness; to harness. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

They went to coach and their horse inclose.
[1913 Webster]
Incloser \In*clos"er\, n.
One who, or that which, incloses; one who fences off land
from common grounds.
[1913 Webster]
Uninclosed \Uninclosed\
See inclosed.
v 1: surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed
in the porch with a fence" [syn: enclose, close in,
inclose, shut in]
2: introduce; "Insert your ticket here" [syn: insert,
enclose, inclose, stick in, put in, introduce]

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