morula, n:
Morula \Mor"u*la\, n.; pl. Morulae. [NL., dim. of L. morum a
mulberry.] (Biol.)
The sphere or globular mass of cells (blastomeres), formed by
the clevage of the ovum or egg in the first stages of its
development; -- called also mulberry mass, {segmentation
sphere}, and blastosphere. See Segmentation.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a solid mass of blastomeres that forms when the zygote
splits; develops into the blastula
podobné slovodefinícia
morula, n:
Morula \Mor"u*la\, n.; pl. Morulae. [NL., dim. of L. morum a
mulberry.] (Biol.)
The sphere or globular mass of cells (blastomeres), formed by
the clevage of the ovum or egg in the first stages of its
development; -- called also mulberry mass, {segmentation
sphere}, and blastosphere. See Segmentation.
[1913 Webster]
Morulation \Mor`u*la"tion\, n. (Biol.)
The process of cleavage, or segmentation, of the ovum, by
which a morula is formed.
[1913 Webster]
Sperm morula
Sperm \Sperm\, n.[F. sperme, L. sperma, Gr. ???, ???, from ????
to sow. Cf. Spore.] (Physiol.)
The male fecundating fluid; semen. See Semen.
[1913 Webster]

Sperm cell (Physiol.), one of the cells from which the
spermatozoids are developed.

Sperm morula. (Biol.) Same as Spermosphere.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a solid mass of blastomeres that forms when the zygote
splits; develops into the blastula

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