
/tops-ten/ DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10
machines, long a favourite of hackers but now effectively
extinct. A fountain of hacker folklore. See also ITS,
TOPS-20, TWENEX, VMS, operating system. TOPS-10 was
sometimes called BOTS-10 (from "bottoms-ten") as a comment on
the inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.

[Jargon File]
/tops·ten/, n.

DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10 machines, long a favorite of
hackers but now long extinct. A fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix
A. See also ITS, TOPS-20, TWENEX, VMS, operating system. TOPS-10
was sometimes called BOTS-10 (from ‘bottoms-ten’) as a comment on the
inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.
podobné slovodefinícia

/tops-ten/ DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10
machines, long a favourite of hackers but now effectively
extinct. A fountain of hacker folklore. See also ITS,
TOPS-20, TWENEX, VMS, operating system. TOPS-10 was
sometimes called BOTS-10 (from "bottoms-ten") as a comment on
the inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.

[Jargon File]
/tops·ten/, n.

DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10 machines, long a favorite of
hackers but now long extinct. A fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix
A. See also ITS, TOPS-20, TWENEX, VMS, operating system. TOPS-10
was sometimes called BOTS-10 (from ‘bottoms-ten’) as a comment on the
inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.

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