ISO 8208

An ITU-T standard protocol suite
for the DTE-DCE interface in a packet-switched network,
approved by ISO. X.25 defines standard physical layer,
data link layer and network layers (layers 1 through 3).
It was developed to describe how data passes into and out of
public data communications networks. X.25 networks are in use
throughout the world.

Document: ISO 8208.

Several other ITU-T recommendations are relevant to {packet
switching}: X.3, X.28, X.29, X.75.

podobné slovodefinícia
ISO 8208

An ITU-T standard protocol suite
for the DTE-DCE interface in a packet-switched network,
approved by ISO. X.25 defines standard physical layer,
data link layer and network layers (layers 1 through 3).
It was developed to describe how data passes into and out of
public data communications networks. X.25 networks are in use
throughout the world.

Document: ISO 8208.

Several other ITU-T recommendations are relevant to {packet
switching}: X.3, X.28, X.29, X.75.


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