- atómy
atoms,atomy n:
podobné slovodefinícia
Doctrine of atoms
Atomic \A*tom"ic\, Atomical \A*tom"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. atomique.]
1. Of or pertaining to atoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. Extremely minute; tiny.
[1913 Webster]

Atomic bomb, see atom bomb in the vocabulary.

Atomic philosophy, or Doctrine of atoms, a system which,
assuming that atoms are endued with gravity and motion,
accounted thus for the origin and formation of all things.
This philosophy was first broached by Leucippus, was
developed by Democritus, and afterward improved by
Epicurus, and hence is sometimes denominated the Epicurean

Atomic theory, or the Doctrine of definite proportions
(Chem.), teaches that chemical combinations take place
between the supposed ultimate particles or atoms of
bodies, in some simple ratio, as of one to one, two to
three, or some other, always expressible in whole numbers.

Atomic weight (Chem.), the weight of the atom of an element
as compared with the weight of the atom of hydrogen, taken
as a standard.
[1913 Webster]
vortex atoms
Vortex theory \Vortex theory\ (Chem. & Physics)
The theory, advanced by Thomson (Lord Kelvin) on the basis of
investigation by Helmholtz, that the atoms are vortically
moving ring-shaped masses (or masses of other forms having a
similar internal motion) of a homogeneous, incompressible,
frictionless fluid. Various properties of such atoms (

vortex atoms) can be mathematically deduced. This theory is
now (1998) obsolete, and has been superseded by quantum
mechanics, which provides more accurate and detailed
explanations of atomic behavior.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

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