Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot
J.M.E. Baudot

(1845-1903) The inventor of the Baudot code. Baudot
joined the French Post & Telegraph Administration in 1869 as a
telegraph operator. In his own time he developed a code for
sending several messages at once. In 1874 Baudot patented his
first printing telegraph where signals were translated onto paper
tape. The Baudot code was adopted first in France and then by
other nations for and transmissions.

The unit of transmission speed, baud, is named after him.

podobné slovodefinícia
baudot code
Baudot code

(For etymology, see baud) A character set
predating EBCDIC and used originally and primarily on {paper
tape}. Use of Baudot reportedly survives in TDDs and some
HAM radio applications.

In Baudot, characters are expressed using five bits. Baudot
uses two code sub-sets, the "letter set" (LTRS), and the
"figure set" (FIGS). The FIGS character (11011) signals that
the following code is to be interpreted as being in the FIGS
set, until this is reset by the LTRS (11111) character.

binary hex LTRS FIGS
00011 03 A -
11001 19 B ?
01110 0E C :
01001 09 D $
00001 01 E 3
01101 0D F !
11010 1A G &
10100 14 H #
00110 06 I 8
01011 0B J BELL
01111 0F K (
10010 12 L )
11100 1C M .
01100 0C N ,
11000 18 O 9
10110 16 P 0
10111 17 Q 1
01010 0A R 4
00101 05 S '
10000 10 T 5
00111 07 U 7
11110 1E V ;
10011 13 W 2
11101 1D X /
10101 15 Y 6
10001 11 Z "
01000 08 CR CR
00010 02 LF LF
00100 04 SP SP
11111 1F LTRS LTRS
11011 1B FIGS FIGS
00000 00 [..unused..]

Where CR is carriage return, LF is linefeed, BELL is the
bell, SP is space, and STOP is the stop character.

Note: these bit values are often shown in inverse order,
depending (presumably) which side of the paper tape you were
looking at.

Local implementations of Baudot may differ in the use of #,
STOP, BELL, and '.

baudotbetical order
Baudotbetical order

/baw do bet' i k*l/ Sorted into an order where
numerics and special characters are intermixed by sorting a 5-bit
Baudot code file ignoring the numeric shift and unshift codes.

j.m.e. baudot
Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot
J.M.E. Baudot

(1845-1903) The inventor of the Baudot code. Baudot
joined the French Post & Telegraph Administration in 1869 as a
telegraph operator. In his own time he developed a code for
sending several messages at once. In 1874 Baudot patented his
first printing telegraph where signals were translated onto paper
tape. The Baudot code was adopted first in France and then by
other nations for and transmissions.

The unit of transmission speed, baud, is named after him.

jean-maurice-émile baudot
Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot
J.M.E. Baudot

(1845-1903) The inventor of the Baudot code. Baudot
joined the French Post & Telegraph Administration in 1869 as a
telegraph operator. In his own time he developed a code for
sending several messages at once. In 1874 Baudot patented his
first printing telegraph where signals were translated onto paper
tape. The Baudot code was adopted first in France and then by
other nations for and transmissions.

The unit of transmission speed, baud, is named after him.


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