common internet file system
Common Internet File System

(CIFS) An Internet file system protocol,
based on Microsoft's SMB. Microsoft has given CIFS to the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Internet Draft.
CIFS is intended to complement existing protocols such as

CIFS runs on top of TCP/IP and uses the Internet's {Domain
Name Service} (DNS). It is optimised to support the slower
speed dial-up connections common on the Internet.

CIFS is more flexible than FTP. FTP operations are carried
out on entire files whereas CIFS is aimed at routine data
access and incorporates high-performance multi-user read and
write operations, locking, and file-sharing semantics.

CIFS is probably closest in functionality to NFS. NFS gives
random access to files and directories, but is stateless.
With CIFS, once a file is open, state about the current access
to that file is stored on both the client and the server.
This allows changes on the server side to be notified to the
clients that are interested.

{Microsoft Overview


SNIA page (

{CIFS: A Common Internet File System, Paul Leach and Dan Perry

{IETF Specification. CIFS version 1

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