encapsulation,obal Pavel Cvrček
encapsulation,obalení Pavel Cvrček
encapsulation,zapouzdření n: Zdeněk Brož
Encapsulation \En*cap`su*la"tion\, n. (Physiol.)
The act of inclosing in a capsule; the growth of a membrane
around (any part) so as to inclose it in a capsule.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the condition of being enclosed (as in a capsule); "the
encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths"
2: the process of enclosing (as in a capsule)

1. The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer
adds header information to the protocol data unit (PDU) from
the layer above. As an example, in Internet terminology, a
packet would contain a header from the physical layer,
followed by a header from the network layer (IP), followed by
a header from the transport layer (TCP), followed by the
application protocol data.

2. The ability to provide users with a well-defined interface
to a set of functions in a way which hides their internal
workings. In object-oriented programming, the technique of
keeping together data structures and the methods (procedures)
which act on them.

podobné slovodefinícia
Encapsulation \En*cap`su*la"tion\, n. (Physiol.)
The act of inclosing in a capsule; the growth of a membrane
around (any part) so as to inclose it in a capsule.
[1913 Webster]
generic routing encapsulation
Generic Routing Encapsulation

(GRE) A protocol which allows an
arbitrary network protocol A to be transmitted over any other
arbitrary network protocol B, by encapsulating the packets
of A within GRE packets, which in turn are contained within
packets of B.

Defined in RFC 1701 and RFC 1702 (GRE over IP).


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