ethernet cable
ethernet cable, n:
ethernet cable
ethernet cable
n 1: any of several types of coaxial cable used in ethernets
podobné slovodefinícia
thick ethernet cable
thick Ethernet cable

The original "full spec" cable used for
10base5 Ethernet networks. RG8 is stiff, large diameter
coaxial cable with an impedance of 50 ohms, a member of the
"Radio Guide" series. The outer sheath is usually yellow, to
indicate double shielding, so it is often just called "yellow

10base5 cable is designed to allow transceivers to be added
while existing connections are live. This is achieved using a
"vampire tap".

RG8 is sometimes called "thicknet" or "thick Ethernet" in contrast
to RG58, a cheaper, thinner, more flexible alternative.

thin ethernet cable
thin Ethernet cable

A common, low-impedance (52 ohm),
quarter-inch diameter coaxial cable with BNC connectors,
used for 10base2 Ethernet wiring, sometimes called
"cheapernet" in comparison with "full spec" RG8 cabling.
A member of the "Radio Guide" series.


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