hip joint
hip joint,kyčelní kloub Zdeněk Brož
Hip joint
Hip \Hip\, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG.
huf, G. h["u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h["o]ft, Goth. hups; cf.
Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of
cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.]
[1913 Webster]
1. The projecting region of the lateral parts of one side of
the pelvis and the hip joint; the haunch; the huckle.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) The external angle formed by the meeting of two
sloping sides or skirts of a roof, which have their wall
plates running in different directions.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Engin) In a bridge truss, the place where an inclined end
post meets the top chord. --Waddell.
[1913 Webster]

Hip bone (Anat.), the innominate bone; -- called also
haunch bone and huckle bone.

Hip girdle (Anat.), the pelvic girdle.

Hip joint (Anat.), the articulation between the thigh bone
and hip bone.

Hip knob (Arch.), a finial, ball, or other ornament at the
intersection of the hip rafters and the ridge.

Hip molding (Arch.), a molding on the hip of a roof,
covering the hip joint of the slating or other roofing.

Hip rafter (Arch.), the rafter extending from the wall
plate to the ridge in the angle of a hip roof.

Hip roof, Hipped roof (Arch.), a roof having sloping ends
and sloping sides. See Hip, n., 2., and Hip, v. t., 3.

Hip tile, a tile made to cover the hip of a roof.

To catch upon the hip, or To have on the hip, to have or
get the advantage of; -- a figure probably derived from
wresting. --Shak.

To smite hip and thigh, to overthrow completely; to defeat
utterly. --Judg. xv. 8.
[1913 Webster]
hip joint
hip joint
n 1: the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and
the acetabulum [syn: hip, hip joint, coxa,
articulatio coxae]
podobné slovodefinícia
Hip joint
Hip \Hip\, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG.
huf, G. h["u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h["o]ft, Goth. hups; cf.
Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of
cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.]
[1913 Webster]
1. The projecting region of the lateral parts of one side of
the pelvis and the hip joint; the haunch; the huckle.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) The external angle formed by the meeting of two
sloping sides or skirts of a roof, which have their wall
plates running in different directions.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Engin) In a bridge truss, the place where an inclined end
post meets the top chord. --Waddell.
[1913 Webster]

Hip bone (Anat.), the innominate bone; -- called also
haunch bone and huckle bone.

Hip girdle (Anat.), the pelvic girdle.

Hip joint (Anat.), the articulation between the thigh bone
and hip bone.

Hip knob (Arch.), a finial, ball, or other ornament at the
intersection of the hip rafters and the ridge.

Hip molding (Arch.), a molding on the hip of a roof,
covering the hip joint of the slating or other roofing.

Hip rafter (Arch.), the rafter extending from the wall
plate to the ridge in the angle of a hip roof.

Hip roof, Hipped roof (Arch.), a roof having sloping ends
and sloping sides. See Hip, n., 2., and Hip, v. t., 3.

Hip tile, a tile made to cover the hip of a roof.

To catch upon the hip, or To have on the hip, to have or
get the advantage of; -- a figure probably derived from
wresting. --Shak.

To smite hip and thigh, to overthrow completely; to defeat
utterly. --Judg. xv. 8.
[1913 Webster]

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