instantiation,doložení příkladem n: PetrV
n 1: a representation of an idea in the form of an instance of
it; "how many instantiations were found?"

Producing a more defined version of some object
by replacing variables with values (or other variables).

1. In object-oriented programming, producing a particular
object from its class template. This involves allocation
of a structure with the types specified by the template, and
initialisation of instance variables with either default
values or those provided by the class's constructor

2. In logic programming, when unification binds a {logic
variable} to some value.

3. In type checking, when type inference binds a {type
variable} to some type.

4. A specific representation of an object or
artifact. Examples of instantiations would be different images of
an object, text translated into English and French or a video
and a still image of a museum piece.

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