kanji,čínské znaky v japonštině n: [lingv.] Zdeněk Brož

/kahn'jee/ (From the Japanese
"kan" - the Chinese Han dynasty, and "ji" - glyph or letter
of the alphabet. Not capitalised. Plural "kanji") The
Japanese word for a Han character used in Japanese. Kanji
constitute a part of the writing system used to represent
the Japanese language in written, printed and displayed form.
The term is also used for the collection of all kanji

US-ASCII doesn't include kanji characters, but some
character encodings, including Unicode, do.

The Japanese writing system also uses hiragana, katakana, and
sometimes romaji (Roman alphabet letters). These characters
are distinct from, though commonly used in combination with,
kanji. Furigana are also added sometimes.

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