the internet
internet \in"ter*net\ ([i^]n"t[~e]r*n[e^]t), n.
A large network[3] of numerous computers connected through a
number of major nodes of high-speed computers having
high-speed communications channels between the major nodes,
and numerous minor nodes allowing electronic communication
among millions of computers around the world; -- usually
referred to as the internet. It is the basis for the
World-Wide Web.
podobné slovodefinícia
the internet account
The Internet Account

An Internet provider in Sydney, Australia who provides
SLIP, PPP and CLI accounts for the same rates.
handles Acorn software.



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Telephone: +61 (2) 968 4333. Fax: +61 (2) 968 4334.

Address: PO BOX 473, Crows Nest, NSE 2065, Australia.


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