transmission control protocol
transmission control protocol, n:
transmission control protocol
transmission control protocol
n 1: a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one
network device to another; "TCP uses a retransmission
strategy to insure that data will not be lost in
transmission" [syn: transmission control protocol, TCP]
transmission control protocol
Transmission Control Protocol

(TCP) The most common transport layer
protocol used on Ethernet and the Internet. It was
developed by DARPA.

TCP is the connection-oriented protocol built on top of
Internet Protocol (IP) and is nearly always seen in the
combination TCP/IP (TCP over IP). It adds {reliable
communication} and flow-control and provides full-duplex,
process-to-process connections.

TCP is defined in STD 7 and RFC 793.

User Datagram Protocol is the other, connectionless,
protocol that runs on top of IP.

podobné slovodefinícia
transmission control protocol/internet protocol
transmission control protocol/internet protocol, n:
transmission control protocol/internet protocol
transmission control protocol/internet protocol
n 1: a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the
internet in the 1970s to get data from one network device
to another [syn: {transmission control protocol/internet
protocol}, TCP/IP]

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